This game lingered in my mind for months. I can understand why some don't like the pacing, but I grew to love it. Felt like watching a long-running series with a mix of plot focused and "filler" content that made the world feel large and interesting. Adored the character writing, got really into the combat, and I enjoyed being able to choose between pursing the faster paced story sections or the more laid back fill-in-the-map content.

Solid concept, hit at the wrong time

Finished the timeline. An incredible collection of games and ephemera around them. Really enjoyed playing the same version of a game across multiple platforms. I wish there was a little more historical content for the late 80s-90s content, it felt like it was mostly focused on early arcade and 2600.

Played through via Switch Online. Think this is the first time I've played this on a TV and not a Game Boy, still fun to play through in 20 minutes. Wild that the theme for world 4 is China.

Played on switch. so much fun returning to this. Impressive how much they fit in a Gameboy game

Solid action game that doesn't overstay its welcome. I think 2 is overall a better game, but I thought the setpiece action and (small) exploration sections were fun and well paced. Story is barely there and the characters are straightforward, but endearing. Really glad I waited to try on next gen with a VRR television, I thought it looked incredible.

Parachute and Helmet are still incredible, great to play on my 20 minute train commute

While it’s not the deepest brawler, it’s a solid foundation with endearing designs and aesthetic. Fun way to spend an hour. Also interesting to play this within street fighter 6’s battle hub

Great time, surprised how much I enjoyed the story, there is no way I was going to put 50 hours into this. Sidequests usually have good writing but there is just so much and the combat is not compelling enough to sustain the playtime. I started mainlining it about halfway through and thought the main story was well paced and exciting. Its is "another dad game", but I enjoyed how there was more going on that the typical parent vs son not accepting that they need independence and to understand their parent. This drills down into more specific dynamics between them, and extends a lot of that to the characters around them. It's not revolutionary, but its very good prestige tv-esq drama.

Such a fun game. Combat is not complicated, responsive and fun. The story is extremely light but charming. The pre rendered graphics and controls (analog or tank) both work well. The camera can be annoying when you’re attacked by something you can’t see unless you stand in the right spot. But at like 4 hours, it’s got an exciting pace and is very fun.

Tinykin is so charming, fun, and easy to play. I have not played much Pikmin and think this is more like 75% platformer, 25% puzzle game. They really nailed the appeal of being a little guy in a big world, as well as making it fun to traverse the area. The first few Tinykin you find don't immediately help with traversal, but once you get the ones that stack up and upgrade your float bubble you're zooming around the levels to find every nook and crany. And that's not even getting into the soapboard, which adds grinding - all video games should have grinding.

While the writing was sometimes way too chatty (think the later Mario + Luigi RPGs), the story was charming and fun throughout. I had so much fun exploring and doing everything in every map, and it was nice that at 6-8 hours it didn't overstay its welcome.