Shenmue was the most comfortable game I've ever played in my life.

Playing a Japan simulator, waking up early in the morning irl and ingame, going outside and running around Sakuragaoka while it was rainy IRL and also rainy in the game, while it played the FREE 1 soundtrack, just going around talking to people... It's so soothing, it made my entire being relaxed, immersed. I felt true happiness, a true sense of belonging in that world Yu Suzuki created. I wish this game was infinite and we were allowed to just live there forever.

The gameplay sure is weird and very cadenced, but once you insist and get the hang of it, the game can be fun. Not very good, but the story is interesting and it's a very ambitious game for its time. Surely might've inspired the later "survival open world craft" games that came out 5ish years later

I really wish I could take this one out of my wishlist, but I don't even think it really exists. Maybe it's just an illusion.

Playing a full version of Resident Evil on the go was a hard flex back then on my friend's group

I loved absolutely everything about this game but gave up on it after being filtered so many times, I am such a stupid casual

I mean, the entire game is a masterpiece. The graphics, the soundtrack, the animations, the story and the way it is told, the characters...
It's one of those survival horror games that will really put you on the edge, almost always putting something life threatening in your way
The puzzles are pretty smart too. Sometimes the way you move can be troublesome and trigger some trap or something, but aside from that, thinking the puzzles and solving them is a pretty solid experience. The password system is also great, since it gives you every item you need to have in any given room you put the code for. Every password game should be like that, because that's the point of having passwords I think. No reason to "skip ahead" with zero items.

The only really bad part is that worm detector part. Fuck that part.

Forza Motorsport 0
They really understood the assignment about making a really fun simcade racing game

It's poker mechanics but you get to have fun with it instead of playing against crazy tryhard people that think they'll become millionaires by playing card games online for lunch money

yeah the game isn't (is) rigged (if i lose)

Didn't like the graphics and the overly echoed soundfont

One of the very few tie-in games that are good. And this one is very good indeed, pretty complete and challenging experience and the co-op is awesome

I don't know if the Kingambit is tera Flying or Fairy or Fighting or Fire or Water or Dark or Ghost or Bug or Poison or Steel or Psychic or Grass or Stellar or ??? until i scout by using protect

played the special edition that came with a super luxury leather covered case

I did A LOT of stuff, died and lost the entire progress because the saving system is so weird

Then I got madge and gave up. Didn't like it that much, the gameplay is too janky/sloppy for me