I was so surprised that this was actually better than BOTW! I didn't think they would be able to improve on it that much but there are so many new things in TOTK that I love! The runes are so much cooler, the shrines dont have as many loading screens and there's so much more to explore! I also found a lot of the side quests to be fun :)

I've played through this game twice and both times were a blast. Too many boring shrines though that started to feel like a chore but I love the exploration in this game. And hot take, but I love filling up my hyrule compendium with pictures of the animals and stuff! I've never fully completed the compendium but it was still something fun nd extra to do to break up the quests and combat

monkey game with good soundtrack

This one can be played with one player but it is SO much better with two players!! Some of the levels are a bit frustrating but omg the music makes up for it. I had a lot of fun and a lot of laughs with my friends playing this ♡

If you don't marry Sebastian you're playing the game wrong. If you're marrying Shane??????????????? go to therapy.

So fun!! I love Tetris so I knew that I probably would like this game but the audio and visuals bring it to a whole new level. I like how the music syncs up with the speed you're playing at because it makes it feel really immersive. I haven't played this on VR but I could imagine that it would make the entire experience better.

I've spent so many hours on this game. Getting first place is incredibly difficult and I got my first win after over 100 games. I do wish it had some sort of guide/instructions because I remember being confused when I first started playing. Like I know how Tetris works but I wasn't familiar with sending trash blocks or the K.O. power meter. I don't even know why this game is so addicting for me but it is.

This game is rough but... molcars!!! If you don't care about agonizingly slow frame rates when trying to take pictures of your molcars and simple, repetitive mini games then you'll be in for a treat. I love a good "collecting" game so collecting the molcars and dressing them up was my favorite part. The rocket league mini game is silly and I'm absolutely awful at it. Definitely not worth full price but I still had fun with it for a couple of hours and I love Pui Pui Molcar ☆

This game has an absurd amount of picross puzzles. I like that the difficulty really starts to ramp up towards the end. Some of the puzzles started to take me about 45 minutes to complete once I was near the home stretch. I do wish some of the puzzles were actually Mario related though. They're all just random items.


Super cute and short game! I would say for the amount of content there is maybe wait for a sale, but I had a blast with it! I 100% it in about 6 hours. My only real complaint with this one is I wish the music was a little more prominent. Overall, cozy and fun. I loved the little outfits hidden throughout the game!!!