it's fine if you hate this game because of the story or the new characters, but if you hate this game because it gives more representation for women, gay people, trans people, and people of color, you're gross. :-)

positives: iconic licenses, fun gameplay when the meta isn't cancer, goated soundtrack, and great way to make gaming friends!

negatives: repetitive gameplay can lead to easy burn out, bhvr implementing FOMO tactics, game is unbalanced and always favors killers or survivors more depending on the meta (but as an asym this is expected), for some reason the mobile gacha game gets more love than the main game, and genuinely one of the most entitled and childish gaming communities i've ever witnessed.

reject league of legends,
embrace arcane

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i was really hyped for this game but there's a lot of disappoint from me. GOD the first few chapters until nick and abi go into the woods are insanely boring. i feel like it wouldn't be half as bad if the characters were actually... interesting?!

the characters in until dawn, like em or hate em, but they had personality. they had chemistry. these characters interact so awkwardly with each other i thought i was playing life is strange. from the main cast, kaitlyn and dylan were the most interesting by far. travis and laura were great too but they only get their spotlight near the end chapters. nick, emma, abi, ryan and jacob were downright boring. the only plus jacob has is that he's hot. 💀

furthermore, i feel there are so many plot holes? what a dumb decision to leave a group of curious teens alone and expect them to not party and go out?? all the counselor had to do was talk to his brother and make him keep an eye on them. literally LOCK the whole place up like he did laura and max. i just feel like so much in this story doesn't make sense. and the reveal of silas the final encounter of the game is one of the most underwhelming moments i've experienced in gaming lmao. THAT'S silas?? the white wolf?? please. it was so disappointing.

-1 point simply because my female V could not romance panam

so poopy and bad but i have 500 hours help me


no one told me a cute game about a cat would make me cry this hard ;__;

i find the characters and lore genuinely so interesting and the cinematics are great but then i load up the game and feel like dying

janky controls, boring characters, and cheap jumpscares made this game so annoying to get through. not worth $70, wait for a sale or the dead space remake lol.

on one hand, this game is super fun to play with other people. i played about seven hours of the game with my boyfriend and exploring the caves and fighting the mutants was fun. i think the graphics are beautiful and the gameplay was improved from the first game. the AI companion was a nice touch. he's very helpful in gathering resources while you go do other things (like clear a cave), though can be slow and buggy at times.

unfortunately, we experienced some bugs during our gameplay, and i feel the story was a bit lackluster. after the final cutscene both of us were kinda just like, "that's it?" it's early access so of course these things can be changed but for now i'm quite conflicted on the game.

watching the official discord server members go completely batshit after the release kept getting delayed was an experience