not really fond of the fact that different gameplay loops are merged into one big story instead of how the first game does separate stories

not really fond of the fact that different gameplay loops are merged into one big story instead of how the first game does separate stories

good if you dont get sucked into spending money on it, its helped me a ton with getting outside more

one of my favorite games ever, the devs deserve the world

probably my favorite of the series, the vibes are unmatched

was my favorite metroid game up until dread's release, really fun if you dont mind the difficulty

despite growing up with platinum i never really clicked with it, i need to give it another chance sometime


mad underrated, such a good game


good! the later levels REALLY suck but the first episode is a classic

fun with friends, not very fun alone though

if you can look past the clunky controls i could not recommend this enough

incredibly slow start, but if you can stick it through the early game you're going to love the rest

story leaves a lot to be desired, but the actual gameplay is the best metal gear gets

one of the greatest games of all times imo, cannot stress enough how much it changed my outlook on the world