Satisfies my need for Starwars Battlefront style epic battles. A great multiplayer game that isn't a full $70 spend.

Fun game with interesting combat, but failed to pull my in with the first couple hours of gameplay. Also 30fps on next gen console in 2024 is not it... optimize your games

The GOAT. Ive logged so many hours and continue to keep playing i dont know whats wrong with me

a big improvement over BOTW, i really enjoed the building mechanics and the updates to the world. Dungeons feel better and more challenging, but still i wish the combat was flush out better.

not my favorite but i learned to love it after restarting the game on three separate occasions to try and get into the game play. Still hate having my weapons break all the time.

What a great redemption arc the cyberpunk had. Take note game devs... the only thing you need to do to improve your game is make a netflix anime and revamp the entire core systems over the course of three years.

loved the story and thats what kept me going through the slog of the game play. I don't enjoy having low level enemies feel like massive bullet sponges

need to play this again now that i understand what RPG and bethesda games are about

this gave me nightmares as a kid