76 reviews liked by noclue101

I didn’t expect a tragic gay resi love story but here we are. That part of the game broke me. The rest of the game broke me in may different ways due it some insane choices like no pause menu for some the campaigns for some reason.

I was crying of sadness and of pain throughout this game.

story ranking
Jake (should be called Sherry it’s literally her story)
Chris (pretty much a gay dude bro action flick)
Ada (I expected this plot to explain everything. I didn’t.)
The visuals on the main menu
The giraffe getting a blowie logo.
Leon (some of the worst stuff I’ve ever played why is this the first campaign. Why does this story exist at all it’s not coherent)

This games story is like a jigsaw saw puzzle that all fits together perfectly but then you look at the picture and it’s just nothing and isn’t clear.

Game of games tbh. Could play for years and will do with the sequel and expansions

The amount of content of this game makes finishing it or making choices so frustrating because I want to know everything that can and will happen. Guess I’ll play through it again



quake is basically about some guys who make funny noises

Seven words seven words is all I can spare to review you.

The best co-op game. Where is horror??🤔🤔

Oh my god I was gonna try to write an actual review but ever single boss fight with nemesis made me hate this game more and more. That clock tower fight burned every piece of good will I had for re remakes. Ruined the best part of the original game and the rest of the game didn’t include half the content just feels empty. And then include a lot of random padding in the Carlos sections which is wild with all the stuff and boss fights and monsters they cut. Just all the stuff and creativity lost is such a shame as so much of the changes are for the most boring shit imaginable

Changing one the best horror monsters into a giant dog beast hurt.

It was the best of times. It was the code Veronica of times. (My score really doesn’t reflect the quality of this game at all btw)

Okay so I attempted to play the ps2 version of this and I literally couldn’t see anything due to the awful brightness so all of this is based on the game running on a Xbox X.
This game has it all
A horrible first two hours that make the game so hard to make any progress in. So many ink ribbons and so little safe rooms, Disgusting bosses, brilliant atmosphere. A great use of the duo protagonists. Agent smith Albert wesker, The hottest Chris redfield, elaborate insect imagery, some enemies that are straight up unfair to fight, a powered up version of the most unfair reoccurring enemy in the series, A whole section built around hammer horror haunted mansion with a hint of queerphobia akin to psycho/dressed to kill, Nosferstu and last but not least incest.

Loved it.

If someone came up to me and said this is one the worst and most unfair games they have ever played I would look them dead in the eyes and say “soooo truuuuue” because they are correct.

Final notes. Gamers hate Steve because he is a mirror. I love Steve.

Wow! What a mansion!

This game killed my ps1

The journey of the brave powerful and iconic Claire Redfield and the emotional support twink she adopts who ends up going on a neo noir journey in the middle of the apocalypse.

God I wish I was Ada Wong.