If I could put any game in an art museum it would be this one.

This was supposed to be a short replay but then life shit made it last way longer lol

Played a ROM hack that adds in RushJet1’s VRC6 soundtrack and I can confirm it enhances the vibes greatly.

Copy paste my Mega Man 1 review from yesterday here

Where does this fit into the Mario lore

Smoothes out an 8/10 game into a 9/10. Pretty much any complaints I could come up with stem from the originals design or are me nitpicking.

There’s no reason for the password theme to go as hard as it does.

Still great. Now I wanna finally try Portal 2.

Old Sonic World engine physics make this one real hard to go back to, but it deserves it's due for setting a new standard for Sonic fan games. Hoping someone makes a remake of this or smth.

Better physics and mid air curling pretty much immediately make this a cut above Sonic: Before the Sequel. Unfortunately, minus half a star for not being able run on water in ball form (half joking).

Quint might have the most wasted potential of any Mega Man character.

Also am I tweaking or are the physics worse than in Dr. Wily’s Revenge.

Fun fact about me: this was the first game I ever pre-ordered.