Basically a tech demo, but a damn good one.

Amazing story, amazing gameplay, amazing co-op. Truly a masterpiece.

Pokemon was always meant to be open world, 3 main questlines makes things feel fresh, but holy moly this game runs bad.

Simply excellent. Best VR game to date.

Gameplay is much cleaner than previous installments, but the story is a huge step back from bl2.

Really cool way to change up the character abilities in the franchise, story was pretty solid, overall a fun experience.

The base game is pretty bare for an RTS, but with the DLC + mods this game really shines. Many hours of fun with friends in this one.

Everyone knows this game, and has played it many times. I am no different. Great with mods.

Has great moments, is fun with friends. Not super replayable but that's not necessarily a bad thing.

One of the greatest games to come to steam, you can literally make this game into anything you want it to be.

What a fantastic celebration of one of our collective favorite games. Seriously great, worth playing all these years later.

I mean, come on. Fantastic game, holds up surprisingly well.

A great continuation to a great game.

Makes me want more, maybe they'll release a third game?

One of my early gaming experiences, I put many hours into this game when it was still on CD!