The wonder seeds acting as highlights for the new ideas was very strong.

Game is very cute

I honestly just suck at these games. Some 2D platformers change the formula up with their movement mechanics and that can make them more compelling for me. The badges are good and add a bit of spice, but not overly noticeable. Perhaps would've felt better if each world had its specific badge

The 3/5 is largely a reflection of my own taste, however I fail to see how some people are anointing this game as something revolutionary.

It's boring but also interesting

With no lineage in final fantasy, I enjoyed this game for a bit until it just kept going and kept going. After about 25 hours, I've put enough time in my book.

No need for a score, at least so far, but it is quite difficult in my experience. However I like the style.

A really great experience if you have a group and a means for knowing what to do, I have been guided by a friend who learned a lot from another server

Incredible charm but it does show its age in gameplay. Very excited for the sequel after playing.

Fun to pick up and play randomly

FPS movement at another level. The movement alone sells the whole game.


A good yet flawed game. Very interesting sci-fi world that I really do want an opportunity to learn more about. However, the game's gameplay feels stiff and unresponsive from a player point of view.

The first game that has ever made me cry. At about 90 minutes long there's no reason to not play given you have the means to.

An incredible version of tetris and oddly emotional.


Honestly its just fun and entertaining

Tries to be profound in a way I thought was nonsensical

Love the gameplay yet again, but the story missed on a lot of different levels for me, especially reveals and performances.

Love the art in this game, but I found the writing quite cliche.