the ultimate "I dont like shooters" killer

good example why not all games should have the right to speak

really underrated, please give it a go

play this if you think you like video games

Generally nice and short story game. Using the format of interactivity to convey a story in a much more interesting way, yet sometimes it feels i would much rather watch a movie about it rather than have my hands on the keyboard at all times.
Some memories sticked out more than others, some were overstaying their (Molly's story, imo) welcome and some were barely a minute long (calvins story). I wish the game phasing was a bit more one point.
A great game though! I enjoyed my time with it

Puzzle games usually struggle to keep players engaged, it's not a genre for everyone to begin with, video games are usually played to turn your brain off
Patrick's parabox difficulty is catered towards more casual audiences from my experience with it. It doesn't ask you to break your head to understand it, more it wants you to see how many tricks it has up it's sleeves, One world you will be playing a rubrics cube and the other you will create a quadruple paradox.
The puzzles pull up new tricks on you and redefine your limits each world you pass, not mixing a lot of gimmicks between each world making itself fresh every new set of levels.
The presentation of the game is great too, as puzzle games tend to spare details in the sake of simplicity, yet it works kn favor of the smooth and sharp style the game has.
The game offers end game content with a big batch of challenges, but I wish there was a bit more, esp with the price tag being somewhat high for puzzle games

Little gator game capitalizes on its size, everything is compact and smooth, you don't have any downtime. You're helping a guy one second boom now you're doing a race boom now you're sniping cardboard cutouts out the sky
This condense environment is beneficial for all playstyles, but it rewards whoever wants to see the most of it with hidden targets and silly items to toy with
The story mostly takes a back seat though when it peeks it's head it hits hard and makes you think for a bit, a little game doesn't hurt! Nudge to AAA studios

Jusants world looks interesting, it can clearly tell story through it's visuals, a game about reconnecting with what was once lost, then i ask, why is there so much text in the game? I am sure most of it could've been conveyed in other ways, I feel like the story was a last minute though (other than the finale), the game has a great gameplay loop in my opinion, I feel like adding "lore" for the sake of it takes away a bit from the game, thought I still enjoyed my time with it
Focusing on the gameplay loop, it's extremely engaging! The game has a great balance between good climbing sessions and a break for visual eye treats with a little creek that tells it's own story. Each world introduces it's own gimmick that lets the climbing stays fresh even after 7 hours, with enough secrets to find to last you 2 playthroughs
in the end, Jusant is a great game, and I'm sure it will get more eyes on it as time passes, and hopefully it sets out an example that even small things like climbing can be innovated to great extends

Side order is another proof that the Splatoon gameplay loop works better in more diversity than just PvP, it's a shame it's so short, most people beat it with their first 3 runs, and it's hard not to with the stupid amount of op perma upgrades they give you right away, but eventually its just to keep you engaged, you can set your own difficulty in very big drastic ways, and the gameplay loop is Splatoon pve, which is super engaging anyways
Its a really good dlc, though wish it got updates to add more content to it

Tinykin kinda feels like a combination between pikmin and mario odyssey, you get segmented open areas to complete 2-3 main objectives in and the actual gameplay lays in goofing around looking between all nooks and crannies to find all of the collectibles, it's a fun short experience which keeps you engaged with gameplay throughout all the experience with almost 0 down time
My only problem is that some tinykins feel like a solution to a problem that didn't exist, the blue and yellow tinykins have 1 use which feels like they made up the problem for it to solve, and you end up using them 2-3 times total in a level
Though I kinda dislike the art style of the characters, but that's just my personal taste

Coming in expecting a puzzle was a bit much, it's a short experience about organising stuff neatly, thought some solutions are such a reach it feels like they only left some in because they needed something to keep you at least somewhat challenged, but when I solved them I just went "what the hell is that sort of logic" which kinda muddied my experience with the game
Plus, the achievements in it are not really fun to collect, as someone who cares about achievement I find it kinda discouraging when you have like 8 achievements about doing your daily tidy for 100 days, it turns from a fun experience to a chore

Following this game for years, it's fun to finally get to play it. The drill is super smooth to control and each level is amazingly hand crafted to a point that not competing each level on time trial is a crime. The ost is one of the best I've heard recently, one that actually made me pause the video essay I am watching and just vibe to the ost.
The game may be a little short, but the amount of love put into each level clearly justifies it, its quality over quantity and you already get a lot of replay value in it
Instant recommend if you enjoyed neon white, ultrakill, pizza tower or even celeste

Hardest game I ever played not even close