I had hyper light drifter on my backlog for about 2 years, i finally got to finish it recently, i appreciate how well the the game tells its story with no words, and the secrets in this game are really well made, though the control scheme gave me a lot of trouble with both keyboard and mouse , or controller

I finished the game 100% dead god, just to tell people its mid

one of my favorite games of this year, my only problem is that some aspects are cut short and not as thought out as the game presents them, though still one of the best puzzle games ive played

when a game understands its scope and limits it can let the player stretch and break them, babbdi understands its scope and lets you run wild with the few tools given to achieve a feeling of openness in a pretty limited area

my only issue with the game is the lack of weapon balance and how it discourages you from experimenting and trying new builds and different playstyles


How it feels going through a 8am-8pm university course with 2 hours of sleep and a hangover - it's a miracle you passed the first stage

It took me solid 2-3 years to finally force myself to sit down and play it. It was worth it, seriously something that can't be replicated, even though I barely enjoyed my time with the gameplay loop, to give it anything below 4 stars is a crime. A masterpiece for sure

A game about moving on
I moved on, it was somewhat fun though not memorable for me, maybe it's watered down by playing other games like outer wilds and rain world, which execute the same concepts way better

So you're telling me there's a new level every day

Never played paper mario but this game is a banger

This game changed my perspective on so many subjects in life, I'm sure it won't be as eye opening for everyone but it's a super solid puzzle game with tons of cool secrets to find

Hardest game I ever played not even close

Following this game for years, it's fun to finally get to play it. The drill is super smooth to control and each level is amazingly hand crafted to a point that not competing each level on time trial is a crime. The ost is one of the best I've heard recently, one that actually made me pause the video essay I am watching and just vibe to the ost.
The game may be a little short, but the amount of love put into each level clearly justifies it, its quality over quantity and you already get a lot of replay value in it
Instant recommend if you enjoyed neon white, ultrakill, pizza tower or even celeste