4 reviews liked by pathologicguy

😈😈😈The perfect video game for a maniacal psychology major such as myself 😈😈😈. Sigmund freud's theory of personality and carl jung archetypes in MY turnbased video game 😈😈😈a truly spectacular sight to behold..........................😈

a game so unbelievably good kojima had to make mgs3 afterwards as a grovelling plea for forgiveness for cooking too hard. there's about a million different things i could say but here's a drawing i did of raiden instead.

I have no idea how they managed to make all 30-something characters in a walking simulator intriguing but I am fascinated with them. Truly an experience of all time. Rewired my brain. Objectively the most boring game I've ever played but something about it feels like home. I love killing bandits