It’s really cool but I have to play it on my PC and I really don’t want to do that. I’ll finish it when it comes to Switch or something.

More fun than I expected, kinda rips

Really fun but I would not be enjoying this if I wasn’t playing the all stars version lmao

Awesome. Never realized how much better these games look in the 16-bit graphics. Sorry Mike Matei and SBW64

Bought this game again because I remember playing it at my friend Ryan’s house when I was really little. Glad to say that it still holds up and kicks ass. I tried to txt Ryan the other day to see if he still had the same number from 12 years ago but he didn’t answer so he either doesn’t or he hates me. I would finish this game but it never saves my progress even though I have the controller pak so I give up for now

I have absolutely no idea how to play this but it looks epic

Bro this shit is fucked up, I cannot game like this. I sorta kinda had to cheat by save stating at the beginning of each level in world 8 because it just gets too fucked up and this is even the easier version lmao. But fuck you idc, I beat it and it counts. Eat my ass Mike Matei!

This games actually pretty good but I’m definitely not able to beat it

This game rules so hard. We all know that I can’t beat this normally but I wanted to play through the whole thing because it was so cool so I abused the switch rewind feature and I don’t wanna hear any lip about it from Mike Matei and his followers

I really don’t know what’s going on here

You shoot thing but everything kill you

This shit is so stupid, I love it. I was hooked from the moment I saw Gex’s name written in piss on the snow of the first level

This guy Mario is in fuckin everything