27 reviews liked by piedelune

I love this game. It took me 3 damn years to beat the story because it's so long and I just needed breaks from it to not get overwhelmed.

I have not completed any post story stuff, but it's a cozy game with cute monsters and I am obsessed with DQ Slimes. This game actually got me into the franchise and I've gone on to purchase future titles.

I hope there is a third builders game, because this is so charming and I actually cried at the end.

I started playing this game a few years ago on a different platform. I finished the first game and then found out this "remaster" was going on and I had some play store gift cards. I decided to buy it so I could play the other two in higher quality (played on my tablet) and wow.... I did miss the pixelated style (thats the only thing I didn't really enjoy) but everything else is astonishing.

Ace Attorney is just that franchise that has it all. Interesting characters, insane plot, original visuals... This game had me ripping my hair out but also laughing a lot, even cried a little towards the end. I love Maya Fey, she became one of my favorite characters EVER and I was about to end my life if she didn't end up being safe and sound!!!!!

One of the things this game nailed was sisterly relationships. The good and bad ones, they were all so good and heartbreaking (I, too, have sisters). I think this game was so iconic (and still is) that I will never forget about it! I will definitely pick up Apollo Justice in the future

Achei que esse jogo seria algum diferencial da Ubisoft, mas não é nada mais que um Zelda cheio de elementos do Far Cry e Assassin's Creed.

O visual é estranho de início, mas mais bizarro mesmo são os diálogos, somado ainda a dublagem, que não salva nem isso. O jogo é simplesmente pegar armaduras, coletar 5 mil itens de cada tipo para upar suas ferramentas, vida, fôlego, etc.

Tem puzzle para tudo, muitos são simples, outros na verdade são chatos e repetitivos. O combate de ínicio é bem limitado em certos aspectos, isso porque o jogo oferece DIVERSAS árvores de habilidades, e como na maioria dos jogos de hoje em dia, muita coisa ali é inútil.

O prólogo serve para te ensinar o jogo, então prepare ai algumas horas, porque tem muita, mas muita coisa. Bugs você vai encarar com frequência, aliás eu desisti porque porque tem missões que não explicam quase nada sobre o objetivo e de quebra os ícones no mapa, não te ajudam a localizar em nada, as vezes te mandando para áreas em que não era para ir, tipo enfrentar um boss com a barra do tamanho do comprimento da sua tela (aliás copiado do AC Odyssey, né dona Ubisoft preguiçosa).

Os mundos não tem nada cativante, apenas vários, mas vários inimigos que te atrapalham demais, e são muito mas muitos mais fortes que você.

Eu realmente não tenho saco para gastar 40 horas nesse jogo, nada me empolgou para dar continuidade.

You are not immune to self insert fantasies.

It gets some things right but there are so many little irritating problems that it ends up being death by a thousand cuts. The last straw for me was when I had to move furniture to fix an outlet and then couldn't move it back because the fixed outlet was now somehow blocking it.



This review contains spoilers

erm major spoilers... my honest thoughts on the game...?

it was good. and then i got to the end. and then it was just ok. i played through the whole thing thinking it was a game about depression and dealing with the loss of a loved one through suicide. but then there is a plot twist and suddenly you didn't lose her through suicide you actually accidentally killed her??? which is like okay i'm sure a lot of people had their minds blown and love this twist but for me it was just so disenchanting and the game lost ALL of its charm... like i don't know but i felt cheated and the game did not stick with me at all because of this. Also I do not like omocat.

I couldn't even imagine being a fan of this game.