14 reviews liked by pliska

They really weren't lying when they said this game is difficult and sometimes tedious. The combat on paper is a pretty good concept such as high/low blocking and the different sword moves being introduced in this game. But once you fight enemies like Wizzrobes, Fokka, or Darknuts (Without getting used to the combat) you will absolutely get demolished.
The dungeons are pretty unique, but with the amount of invisible walls and holes is absurd, you'd think they would've learned considering the first game had lots of problems with invisible bomb-able walls.
Other than that, the level system is nowhere as bad as I thought it would be, but I found I prioritized increasing life way over magic due to how easy death can come in this game.
This game does have some legitimate pros and things I could enjoy seeing in a future Zelda game (Not happening) but the cons really overpower it, if you're good at this game. I just know you didn't get there without some measure of anger along the way.


posso pegar emprestado bana????????

puta que pariu (no bom sentido)

o conteúdo secundário decepciona, school stories tem partes divertidas como o clube de skate mas também tem merdas horríveis nojentas que fazem até o homem mais feliz e paciente querer se matar como o clube de robótica (que me fez desistir de fazer school stories) queria terminar porque gosto da amasawa ela é legal, se a haruka é como uma filha pro kiryu, o Yagami é um tio legal pra amasawa (Yagami é um funky uncle) e pra mim a pior coisa que a RGG já fez que foi colocar um estilo desbloqueavel, mas tu precisa comprar uma DLC pra desbloquear 💩💩💩👹👹👹👺👺👺🤕🤕🤕🦵💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀

As cidades não trazem nada de novo é só a ijincho e kamurocho do y7 sem nenhuma adição, até y4 que se passa só em kamurocho tem como tu andar pelos tetos e no subterrâneo (ainda sinto muita falta disso). E as substories são esquecíveis, não tem nenhuma memorável ou engraçada

O combate do jogo é do caralho ficar atacando inimigos no ar é a coisa mais divertida, mas parece que eles tavam com medo de colocar lutas demais, não tem corredores e ondas infinitas de inimigos (só no final e por isso é minha parte favorita)

Tbm se for jogar esse jogo não vá esperando algo igual yakuza com cenas de ação épicas homens fortes gulosos lutando contra tigres e ursos, LJ é mais pé no chão e é mais uma história de detetive, não vai ter os momentos exagerados de Yakuza como o kiryu parando um míssel com uma pistola ou ele descendo dois tigres na porrada (e eu acho engraçado ter todo um tutorial pra stalkear sendo que nunca mais é usado de novo

No fim o forte de LJ é sua história, combate e personagens. E o kaito é o melhor personagem é como uma figura paterna pra mim ❤️

”Your true face... What kind of... face is it? I wonder... The face under the mask... Is that... your true face?”

This is gonna be messy, because I have a lot to say.

The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask is a magnificent and largely improved sequel to Ocarina of Time. Many issues are fixed: time travel is actually useful, the side quests are not only fun, but the best in the series, the characters are well-rounded instead of just being there for the sake of it, Termina is smaller and denser than the vast, empty wasteland that was Hyrule, the music is even more poignant and impactful, and I could swear that both the visuals and frame rate have been improved.

Lemme start with negatives, as well as a hot take: the 3DS remake is better. The bosses are improved (except Odolwa), the visuals are more vibrant and—in my opinion—fit better with the game’s tone, the Bomber’s Notebook and the Ocarina of Time’s songs have been streamlined to be more accessible, certain quests are placed in more logical areas, the Goron controls are tighter, and the Sheikah Stone returns to help guide lost players. Now for the hottest take of all: I prefer the slower Zora controls, because bumping into the walls of the Great Bay Temple every five seconds simply is not fun. I’m sorry, but the remake is literally a better version of this in practically every way.

Now for everything else about this game that’s awesome.

The story is the absolute best in the franchise: a darker, moodier, and downright depressing continuation of Ocarina of Time, Majora’s Mask follows Link as he goes on a journey to find a lost friend… only to be sucked into a world that is destined to be destroyed in three days. Using the Ocarina, he and a fairy named Tatl travel to four (five if you include Clock Town) different regions to set things right… only to have to reset the timeline at the end of the third day, rendering all of their heroics moot. Majora’s Mask revolves around this time limit, forcing players to use each three-day cycle to its fullest extent before resetting everything. You’ll have to carefully plan out your routes and operate as quickly as possible, lest you be caught in the blast as the moon crashes and kills everyone. It’s a tense, oppressive experience and I love it.

The game’s oppressive atmosphere doesn’t end with its mechanics, though. Each region is suffering as a result of the Skull Kid’s antics and the moon’s inevatible downfall. An innocent monkey is about to be boiled alive for a crime he didn’t commit. A tribe of Gorons are freezing to death. A Zora’s eggs have been stolen and are being held for ransom by pirates. An ancient kingdom full of undead soldiers is trapped in a pointless, never-ending war. And, of course, at the center of it all, there’s the Skull Kid: a lonely child going on a rampage after being driven to madness by the titular mask. This is all really dark for a Zelda game, and it’s not wonder it was re-rated T when released on Nintendo Switch Online.

Yet, there’s plenty of hope. Despite time and nature themselves being against him, Link continues to do the right thing, regardless of the pointlessness of his actions. In the end, he miraculously saves the world and brings happiness to all of its citizens, even making new friends in the process… yet he never finds the friend he set out for to begin with, and Twilight Princess implies that he dies without ever finding her.

The game’s story is both the reason I keep coming back and the reason I keep staying away. It’s extremely deep and compelling, yet harrowing and nihilistic in a way that no game aside from Red Dead Redemption has made me feel. Majora’s Mask is definitely a good case for video games being considered a form of art, especially when formed into a thematically-cohesive trilogy with Ocarina of Time and Twilight Princess.

The aforementioned characters are fantastic. Despite still being mute, we witness new layers to Link that are rarely seen: his courage is tested like never before, he suffers like never before, and he perseveres like never before. Tatl is a massive and less invasive improvement over stupid Navi, as Tatl actually has a character arc that, while not as good as Midna, still cements her as one of Link’s best companions. The Skull Kid is fucking amazing. As the story progresses and if you choose to explore the world, you uncover more and more of his backstory and motives, culminating in a final twist that turns him from a bratty sadist into a horrifically tragic child who has suffered more than one can imagine. Even the side characters are fantastic. Romani and Cremona are a pair of kindhearted siblings just struggling to get by (not helped by the aliens that steal their cattle every year), and are nicely contrasted by the greedy, opportunistic Gorman brothers, who are trying to steal their precious milk and are estranged from their other, more benevolent brother. The mayor is struggling with the threat of the moon and the disappearance of his son. His son has been turned into a child and is desperately trying to find an artifact stolen by a desert thief (no, not Ganondorf this time) so he can reunite with his love before the world ends. That latter story is heartbreaking, and it’s impressive how many of them manage to connect with one another.

The side quests are so numerous and so great that I’d waste too much time by going in-depth (special mention still goes the alien invasion at Romani Ranch, because what the fuck), so I’ll skip straight to the main event: DUNGEONS. They’re awesome. Woodfall is surprisingly complex for a beginning, Snowpeak increases the challenge with a dungeon-wide puzzle, and the Great Bay Temple further ramps up the difficulty with its water currents and valves that must be carefully manipulated to progress. Then there’s the Stone Tower Temple, one of my favorite levels in any video game. A sprawling, labyrinthine, dangerous piece of architecture that sees you utilize every transformation mask thus far to make it through… only for you to head back outside, flip the entire dungeon upside-down, and go back inside for an even harder second half. Holy shit. That’s awesome. Majora’s Mask, despite only having four main dungeons, ties with Twilight Princess for the best dungeon selection in the series.

That’s about all I have to say about Majora’s Mask. Despite my preference for the 3DS version, the game is still a borderline-masterpiece no matter how you play it, and has more than earned its status as not only one of the best Zelda games, but one of the greatest video games of all time.

uma das experiencias mais fantasticas da minha vida. recomendo jogar com amigos, fica ainda melhor

the worst game that ive never played

reviewing a mp game is completely based on who you play with, and well, i just can't describe enough how fucked is the community of this game (actually, any competitive game but whatever).

stuff like this can happen:
1. Being called a monkey for no reason whatsoever, and sometimes, by people who don't even speak your language. if i received a dollar every time someone said a racist slur against me on this game i would be rich... seriously.
2. people who take this game too seriously that, when you miss a SINGLE FUCKING SHOT, they start swearing like if you killed their entire family... well, i should actually do that with someone... you know...
3. trolls... assholes that, simply came out of the deepest place in hell just to make your day worse simply because they can.
4. Hacks, somewhat uncommon if you paid for prime (or before any of those updates, lv 21 and a phone), but when they come you start to imagine the life of that loser who sometimes, even thinks he is better than you. I swear, if you played this, chances are you also head a lot about VAC VOLVO PLS FIX.
5. Smurfs, well, i can (sorta) understand why the exist, basically, when you play a lot, because of the trash ranking system, the only think that makes the impression that you're getting better at csgo, is the badge under your profile that says "GO DO SOMETHING BETTER (between silver 1 and global elite)"
when you play on an acc with a level lower than your main acc, you start to feel that you actually got better at the game... even if that means you're ruining someone's game cuz you're not supposed to be playing on that rank.
6. Stupid people complaining about... stupid stuff, like having a "bad crosshair", (not) having skins, using some weapons like scar-20 whatever or even stuff like your voice (btw when i was a kid, some ppl were harassing me cuz i sounded female on a 5 buck headset mic lol)
7. and with all of this crap you have a Trust Factor on this game, simply, if someone complains about your skill being too good or too bad, chances are you're gonna play, respectively with hackers or trolls

the best lesson from me to you: uninstall it before it's too late

The game by itself is that shooter that your bullets don't go where your crosshair is pointing at. If you're playing the competitive (casual sucks lol), its a 5v5 and one team needs to defend a b... whatever everyone knows csgo, right? essentially... it's somewhat enjoyable, until you consider your life decisions and have a mental crisis.
It's like crack, it makes you feel good for a moment, somewhat addicting but you're gonna suffer after a while. you start to play it out of spite and/or you have nothing else to do. and after you're done for good, you realize "woah, why the hell i spent hours of my life with this?"

idk the only reason i'm giving 2.5 starts to this, its probably because I've met some cool people in there like this guy

Simplesmente incrível.
The Evil Within é um ótimo survival horror, mesclando bem entre momentos de ação e de muito terror.
A história não é simples, muito pelo contrário, é bem complexa. Você precisa realmente se interessar pelo jogo se quiser entender bem ela, que é fenomenal, foi tudo muito bem pensado. Todos os pontos vão se interligando durante o jogo.
A gameplay pode não ser considerada boa por muitos, mas eu particularmente gostei. Há alguns bugs, mas dá para relevar e ter uma experiência boa.
O jogo tem diversas opções de armas, mas as munições são bem escassas. Upgrades dos mais diversos tipos estão presentes na obra.
A dificuldade é nítida, o jogo é bem difícil, mas na medida certa. No máximo você terá que bolar algumas estratégias para passar de certas fases.
A ambientação também é boa, e a trilha sonora quando presente é certeira.
Os inimigos são um dos pontos fortes do jogo, todas as criaturas tem designs assustadores, alguns são bem memoráveis, principalmente o vilão principal, Ruvik, que é um bom vilão.
Os personagens também não ficam para trás, são bons. Principalmente Sebastian, o protagonista.
No geral, The Evil Within é um ótimo jogo, que mesmo possuindo alguns bugs e por vezes uma dificuldade muito elevada, é uma experiência incrível.

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