joguei por causa do obedece a la morsa terminei frustrado de tão unforgiving que essa porra é

dica de vida : nunca revisite os jogos obscuros da sua infância.


eu pegando a menina chamada yamamoto

brother, isso aqui chegou tão perto de ser perfeito, mas as falhas dele me trazem um desgosto tão enorme que fez eu ter dor de cabeça jogando isso.
porém eu me diverti o mesmo tanto que tive dor de cabeça, eu só não quero pensar em grindar mais por um bom tempo, por que puta que pariu esse é um dos jogos com o grinding mais insuportável que eu já vi, sem mencionar as bolas.
mas tirando o grinding insuportável e umas falhas técnicas, CARALHO QUE JOGASSO.

update da segunda run q tentei pegar menos de 1h : VAI TOMAR NO CU²

rom hack divertida p krl, mas frustrante que só a porra.

inacreditável que isso foi feito em 6 meses pqp

o wilson realmente foi muito cuzão com o fresh

yeah, finding all the 100 gold skultullas just to miss one heart piece and check the 36 locations and not find it is the best part of the game.
by the way who the fuck thought it was a good idea to put 100 of these mfs and who thought it was a good idea to put the most worthless reward to something you could literally softlock if you misplaced an item? fuck off, 100%ing this game doesn't give a rewarding feeling at all, and don't even get me started on the side quests.
tbh, this game sins on the side content, the side quests don't feel alive at all and it seems hollow, like something is missing but you don't know what exactly.
the primary content is peak, this game is high rated for a reason, it innovated and created a whole genre, hidetaka miyazaki did NOTHING lol.
anyway, i'm just bitching because i'm on a quest to 100% all zeldas, and so far this was the most annoying and unrewarding one, you could just play it normally and you wouldn't miss anything.

this game makes me want to kill myself but it isn't that bad tbh, despite the fact that you have to play it with your face glued to a walkthrough or the official game manual (which you probably won't have it lol) its kinda fun when you're not grinding for hours or dealing with those MOTHERFUCKERS with a shield who won't let you hit him ever, yeah skill issue ngl.

um dia eu vou fazer um EP com esse jogo

juro por Deus esse é o único jogo que usa o motion plus corretamente.