10 reviews liked by podunk

this game has brought me so much joy and happy memories. thank you fin fin
he is my best friend, always and forever

This review was written before the game released

Me when my mom asks why there’s piss all over the toilet seat

Unlike you Mario, I only read videogame critcism from reliable sources.

feeling like the reviewer from ratatouille when he tries the food and remembers his entire childhood in seconds

i beat the game in 9 minutes and 17 seconds on the fucking roblox release and it is the greatest game i have ever played

im not entirely sure im not hallucinating everything that happens in this game. it's like everything i daydreamed about for six years translated directly into pixels on my tv

People should be forced by the government to replay OoT when they turn 18, like as a coming of age ritual, but the ROM is swapped out for this version

tried to say the title of this game and a pentagram showed up on my floor

I played the demo for my friend who really likes this. Im sorry I know a lot of people like it but the art style is bum fuck ugly and I cant look at this game for more than ten seconds without wanting to super glue my eyes