Incredible sequel to the 2018 game. Although I can't help but feel like some minor areas of the game are lacking.

Gameplay is good but story is meh. If this games gameplay and Starfields story were combined I think it'd be pretty good.

This game improves on alot of what the first game established.

The nemesis system can be pretty fun, unlike the first game.

The story is better but the requirements to continue the story ruins the pacing a bit. Though luckily I already had most of the requirements done by the time I got round to those points.

The epilogue is a shitshow making you play 8 hours of fortress defence just for a 3 minute cutscene. This and other aspects like the online lead me to believe this was originally going to be some sort of live service game luckily it turned out not be... Fully.

The combat is much improved compared to the first game, adding a difficulty option and giving us some cool new abilities.

The nemesis system gets old after a while but from what I've seen and heard that changes in the next game.

Edit: This game feels like a beta test after playing Shadow of War. Although I would still recommend playing this if you're looking to play SoW, for both story reasons and it can be an introduction to the nemesis system, plus it can still be fun at times.

The story is just ok, it's nothing special.

Combat is too easy you're a god which I don't think was the goal for the developers.

I loved this as a kid but never finished it, think I got stuck

Played this as a kid. I was never able to finish it but I remember very much enjoying it.

This game is an absolute masterpiece and I would give it 6 stars if I could.

Performance can be rough in some areas on the base Xbox one but other than that it's an alright game

It's fun to kill a few hours every so often even if you don't complete the trip.

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Subverts your expectations incredibly

Glitched out the map and created a chair cult.