A word game, simple as that. The music and its mascot, Lex, give it a super cozy vibe that's nice to unwind with. Having a handheld version is great, especially if you have friends or family that play on PC and you want to compete for high scores!

Takes everything I loved about the older DMC games and amplifies it. The combat feels great and there are tons of weapons you can mix and match. Fairly easy to breeze through the story if that's all you want to do, but good luck trying to COMPLETE the game. As someone who's scoured the game, I can tell you that going for better scores is a chore when the game penalizes you for using items and ruins perfect runs with unfair, instakill QTEs (you'll need to remember what button you have to press before it even shows up, or else you'll be too late).

The adventure mode is fine, though nothing special, but the multiplayer is what this game is really for. Great variety in stages and modes, and support for up to 8 players on a single copy!

A good introduction to Bomberman, featuring a classic mode, an adventure mode, and of course battle mode (the latter of which is strangely fantasy themed - not that that's a bad thing!).

The series' original jump to 3D! A good mix of familiar faces and new additions. Not worth playing for the endings (except Zangief's), but definitely worth playing for the music.

Game-changing for its time and still holds up quite well - aside from camera issues, but what game then didn't have those? Every stage has killer music and it only gets better the further into the game you get.

A departure from the Oddworld formula, and one of the coolest shooters ever made (though yes, it's also a platformer, if you wanna be picky about details). A fun game with inventive weaponry and a cool story. It may have been the last we heard from Oddworld for a long time, but a great note to end on.

Retains the classic gameplay of the PlayStation originals. The fresh coat of paint is nice for the most part, but some of the old charm is missing for me (though that may just be my love of 2D sprites).

A challenging puzzle-platformer with a lovable (but smelly) protagonist. Likely partly responsible for my dark sense of humor. Lots of secret areas and multiple endings to keep you coming back. Quiksave is a blessing here!

A mixed bag for sure. There's still fun to be had, but there are quite a few issues. Konquest is more action-oriented and the story is enjoyable, but the mode doesn't have the same charm as Deception's rendition. Motor Kombat is a great idea with a clever name, but isn't nearly as fun as Puzzle or Chess Kombat. Character creation is neat and the roster is massive, but the lack of bios for everyone and the copy and paste nature of the combat (ESPECIALLY with the awful Kreate-A-Fatality system) is what hurts the game most.

The peak of the series for me. While the roster's not perfect, it does shine the spotlight on some returning favorite characters. The extra modes are incredibly fun diversions, with Konquest mode alone being a reason to revisit the game.

Far better than any portable downgrade of a fighting game has any right to be! Despite the more limited control scheme and lesser graphics, it manages to replicate the feel of the console versions very well.

Easier than MK 2, but not by much. The more modern, apocalyptic setting is a fun change from the purely mystical setting of the past two games, and the gameplay is more fast-paced.

My first MK, and one of my favorites of the series in terms of setting and characters. But it gets docked pretty heavily for just how brutally unfair the AI is.

A short but sweet platformer... without much platforming. Certainly not bad for a licensed game though! Doesn't overstay its welcome, gives you some options to goof off as the boys, and has an absolutely rockin' soundtrack that makes the game worth it all on its own.