Surpassed by its sequels, but remains enjoyable nonetheless, with its own vibe that sets it apart from the later games.

Improves upon its predecessor in every way - graphics, bosses, and especially music. The darker, spookier theming is a standout in the series, and goes hand-in-hand with the somewhat harder difficulty.

Woefully underrated. Continues improving on the series' gameplay and the world maps being more openly explorable adds some extra fun. Goes for a more mellow tone than the previous game, with picturesque, painted-looking backgrounds. That doesn't mean the game doesn't get difficult toward the end, especially with its more gimmicky levels.

Lots of fun, despite all the backtracking and the difficulty of certain missions. Levels are expansive and loaded with things to do, and the music is memorable (though it can't touch that of the SNES trilogy).

Missing animal buddies (aside from Rambi and Squawks), but more than makes up for that with gameplay additions of its own, bringing familiar feelings while being very much its own thing. The secret final level made me want to throw my 3DS (don't worry, I didn't.)

A great introduction to RPGs - fitting, as it was literally my very first RPG. Shorter and easier than most games of its genre, especially once you already know what you're doing, but the world here is always worth revisiting. The 3D rendered sprites don't hold up quite as well as those in DKC, but the game is by no means ugly (though many enemies certainly are!).

When you think of the Super Nintendo, this is the game you think of. Great cartoony style, very hummable tunes, and fantastic level design with loads of secret exits.

My preferred way to play the NES Mario games - I won't touch The Lost Levels though.

Not my favorite fighter, but holds a nostalgic place in my heart. The best part was always beating up the car!

Something different, especially for a licensed game. Not the deepest gameplay, but a good bit of fun, even if you just play for the classic cartoon antics.

The easiest of the Super Star Wars trilogy and the one I've spent the most time with (more so because it's based on my favorite movie of the Original Trilogy).

A short but sweet platformer... without much platforming. Certainly not bad for a licensed game though! Doesn't overstay its welcome, gives you some options to goof off as the boys, and has an absolutely rockin' soundtrack that makes the game worth it all on its own.

My first MK, and one of my favorites of the series in terms of setting and characters. But it gets docked pretty heavily for just how brutally unfair the AI is.

Easier than MK 2, but not by much. The more modern, apocalyptic setting is a fun change from the purely mystical setting of the past two games, and the gameplay is more fast-paced.

Far better than any portable downgrade of a fighting game has any right to be! Despite the more limited control scheme and lesser graphics, it manages to replicate the feel of the console versions very well.