What do you mean look at it through the tree.

A bold game that isn't afraid to take risks. Although a few of the game's mechanics are... odd... it is more than made up for by the story, gameplay-story integration, and characters. It's So Wonderful.

Better gameplay than Moon by far, worse story than Moon by far.


It smells like the 2000s. It's a lot of fun, until it breaks. Then it's not fun.

Technically I haven't beaten this, but I can say with certainty that it is definitely one of the games of all time. Disney fans will find loads of joy in this experience, and those who are tired of games with complex plots can rest easy knowing the first game is the one that's not too crazy. However, while this game doesn't do a lot wrong, it doesn't do a lot right. Except the combat. Combat's cool.

A glitchy mess with a compelling story and cool lore.

Now THIS is how you do a remake.

The game is too smart for me. Would recommend.

The game is slept on. Best story since Gen 5.

The story almost disappoints but manages to not. Haven't played Blue Lions or Black Eagles so I can't speak on those. The gameplay... is. Love the characters though.

While overshadowed by its successor, Portal still has much to offer, even for those who have already played Portal 2.

I love getting crit by every single enemy!!!

It's painfully unfunny at times, but the story's pretty neat.