it was an honor to serve alongside all of you 🫡

we truly are at the end of an era. as you probably know, the wii u and 3ds online service has officially ended. i’m proud of the time i’ve spent with this console, even if it wasn’t a fan favorite. i remember getting a free one from nintendo for my make-a-wish trip, packed in a zelda themed backpack. i remember my first experience playing pikmin 3 without the tv, and how cool i thought that was. i remember my first experience playing splatoon, and 3d world, and mario kart 8, and smash 4, and mario maker, and wind waker, and so many more. obviously these games aren’t unplayable now, but the online features will be missed

as for splatoon 1 itself, tons of fun. i used to be a certified splatoon hater, but this has completely changed my opinion on the game. i have to give the sequels a second chance. especially the dlc

anyways, time to homebrew my wii u


fr tho, i’m giving this a high rating but maybe not for the reasons you think. it’s ugly, it’s animations are not good, and it’s incredibly cheap. goddamn it i love it tho. i miss the era when big AAA studios would put out mediocre slop to fill the space. now every game released is “the biggest game ever made” or whatever, and they have multi-million dollar budgets. i want studios to make games that have a budget of $10 and whatever they find between the couch cushions

OBJECTIVELY, yes it is very flawed. do i care? not really man

my favorite Paper Mario game to date and it’s not even close. the soundtrack, the environments, the writing, and CHARACTERS (yes it has those lol) all are just amazing. it’s not trying to be TTYD 2, and i respect that a lot. it’s rarely dark or brooding, but it’s oozing with so much charm and originality as previous games if you’re willing to give it a chance

lots of people complained about the Koopalings being the main villains, but i strongly disagree. they are fleshed out and given actual personalities for the first time, maybe ever. they are great and steal the show whenever they are on screen. the same can’t really be said for their previous appearances, so to equate them as the same shows a disregard for the writing

the levels are expansive and varied too. i understand disliking the level map system, but i think it totally works here. it’s nice, it helps keep everything organized, and the levels never felt sacrificed because of the map design

anyways, yeah i love Color Splash. it’s my new favorite Paper Mario game and i will forever talk about how it is the peak of the franchise. go play it, please. give it a second chance if you didn’t like it before


i actually really enjoyed it. its repetitive and simple and the final boss is kinda frustrating and tedious, but i have a strange love for simple, early 3D platformers like this. and its gorgeous too. im taking the one star off because 1) the music isnt really good at all and 2) it runs very poorly in handheld mode, which is how i played most of it

i cannot deny that i played a video game

i, for one, am very impressed they managed to make a game that is both too confusing AND too linear

playing through it made me appreciate it so much more than before. its atmosphere, its level design, its improvements and refinements from previous games. it’s incredible. easily one of my new favorite Metroid games

this is an interesting one. this is an NES game that has actually aged quite well with one major caveat. you cannot save in this game, and theres no password system either. however, thanks to modern day emulation, we have save states. and this game can finally reach its fullest potential

tho id recommend you just play the GBA version

number 1 most important thing about this game: why is Picky Minch the first character shown in the credits when he isn’t relevant to the story after the first 10 minutes? these are the REAL questions


so i played this game on Dolphin in 1080p with mouse and keyboard. whatever

second playthrough really made me appreciate this game a lot more. its so well-made, so thought-out. its absolutely incredible. plus the optional hint system makes it an incredibly accessible Metroid game as well. but the atmosphere, the lore, the areas, the whole concept is executed so well. my biggest conplaint is the backtracking is a bit execessive at times. mainly in Phazon Mines, where you have to do a lot of platforming that can set you back a good bit if you arent careful. its not too bad and doesnt kill the experience. but yeah, great game overall, even today

not as good as the previous wave but still a very strong wave. the characters and Squeaky Clean Sprint are the highlights

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finally beat the whole thing and i can confidently say its the best game in the series yet. this will be a very long review so brace yourself. im gonna be reviewing each mode of the game in detail

main campaign: as a whole the campaign is fantastic. the holes from Pikmin 2 return, only this time they have a focus on puzzle-platforming rather than just killing a bunch of dudes over and over. it flows so much better than before. the bosses are fun, with new and returning ones as well. Groovy Long Legs is my favorite, but the Sovereign Bulblax is an amazing edition. the final boss, a giant dog helmed by Louie, is the best way to end this journey. this boss is incredibly difficult and has FIVE phases. the first four are a cakewalk compared to the final one, where he becomes a glow Pikmin and shoots instant-death fog at your Pikmin

Night Expeditions: these were easily my favorite part of the whole game. my only complaint is that theres not more of these. i would love an infinite mode that just spawns enemies forever, getting progressively bigger and harder

Dandori Challenges and Battles: these are polar opposite for me. the challenges are fun and engaging and very difficult. the battles, not so much. i dont DISLIKE the battles, but i wouldnt be upset if they werent in the game. the challenges, however, are amazing. lots of memorable challenges even tho they all have the same objective. the challenges in the Sage Leaf Trials are amazing. easily the best in the whole game. they are immensely difficult and tons of fun

Olimar's Shipwreck Tales: this is also one of my favorite aspects of the game. its essentially a reimagining of Pikmin 1 inside of Pikmin 4. it is also very challenging with lots of great puzzles. i especially love how you are only allowed to use reds, yellows, and blues

overall, this is my Game of the Year. im already planning on replaying it again after writing this review. ive been waiting ten years for this game and im proud to say it lived up to every expectation i had and more. buy Pikmin 4 please

i did not care for this, im sorry. i get that its a first try at Pikmin 2 modding and i can appreciate that. but the music just doesnt sound good, its very unpolished, and overall just feels like a worse version of Bikmin. no offense, just not a fan. i appreciate how far Pikhacker has come since this