An okay beat 'em up that very lackadaisically retells the original Dragon Ball manga up until the King Piccolo arc. It's probably a lot better than most other Dragon Ball games on the console but you can tell they had no fate anybody would give a fuck about original Dragon Ball since they still slapped "Big Goku" on the cover, despite him being literally nowhere ingame. He should be! It's actually really funny that he's not in, it'd take like 2 levels max to adapt the rest of the manga considering how much fat they had already trimmed from what WAS adapted. Just a few more crunch hours and you wouldn't get some rando complaining about an almost 20 year old licensed game they emulated,enjoyed for the most part and beat in two sittings. Pathetic.

Feels like they took the "game" part too far. Why's there lengthy tutorials of generic mobile game mechanics in a fucking sleep tracker? At least a portion of real casual consumers wouldn't use this at all based on that alone, but as a sleep tracker it also doesn't have a dynamic alarm clock or various soundscapes to help you sleep like other apps do. They announced this was coming like 4 years ago, how was this what they launched with? Boggles the mind quite frankly.

But gamefying various real life tasks keeps me alive so, they got me.

Booted the game and was impressed at how fast the game ran and how fucked up the acceleration was. Turns out the emulator's speed was set to like x8. Also turns out the game does really need a second set of trigger buttons so this is mildly uncomfortable to play on Vita . Oops!

Unexpectedly a really good time. Combat is a bit jank but fun, most weapons feel moderately different from each other. The overworld is really cool to look at and the ads for real life businesses did actually kinda made me want to visit. Also not as horny as you'd think, though I still didn't play it in public.

Got utterly filtered and wrote an angry review but after giving it another shot,it's ok I guess.

When I was really young I thought this was a really fucked up pixel art software. I don't love this version.
(NSO Games 6/251)

Good posting fodder if you have a retro game aesthethic tumblr page

The crash mode courses really are just about the most portable game-y thing ever designed and are undoubtebly what I enjoyed most. So much so, that after a couple of train rides I uh.. beat all of them! There's not that much variety between stages but they're so short and sweet that it doesn't even matter.

Unfortunately the rest of the game is just about as repetitive but the actual racing missions run much longer. Yes, there's a bit of variety in objectives (in some of them you need to make other racer crash X number of times,others are 1-on-1 races, others you have to deplete a life bar etc) but.. don't lie, it's all the same. All this to unlock new cars which I guess is to be expected but in a majority of missions you're not even given the chance to pick your own. They also don't have visible stats so they might all play the same??? The actual racing plays well,mind you. It's just a "what are we doing here" type beat.

Was a bit skeptical over whether I'd like a game one but hey, it's cozy, it's cute and Rorona has massive failgirl 'she just like me fr' energy. I'm still doing a New Game+ save because somehow I missed one of the requirements for the Good Ending and despite less things carrying over than I'd like, I'll probably still enjoy chipping away at a "perfect save" every night for the coming weeks.

First time I've wanted to recommend someone a game I'm sure they'd really like only to find out there's no real practical platform to play it on for the mere mortal.

Another blonde swordwielding himbo has been taking most of my free time so there's no way I'm finishing what's left of this in the coming weeks so I'll just say: love FFX. Had I done the main story and not much else, it would have been very close to perfect!

Unfortunately, the postgame was made by insane people for insane people. Everyone complains about the asenine minigames to get the Celestial Weapons but holy fuck, why did they feel the need to add unskippable superbosses in places you need to go to also get those weapons? Sure, it's possible to get these items during a very small window of time where you don't have to face them but you'd need a guide open during every waking moment. Even so, the particular bosses are more of a battle of endurance than anything else. It's just not worth the grind. I'd still like to actually 100% it but in an eventual replay I'd rather just play the original version with less superbosses and allegedly better faces.

mfs will really say this is just zelda bad piggies as if that's a bad thing

Like two months ago, I started up a new file and made a pretty reasonable claim; If I finish this, I get to buy the new one.

Since 2018 I've put like 70 hours into this game, but whenever I don't play for a while, there's just no coming back to it. This is common on other games as well; I've dropped Chrono Trigger like 5 times near the end, never even beat FFIV despite being 10 minutes away from the final boss. The difference is I could look at a walkthrough in those games and possibly catch back up. In BOTW, no such thing. If I don't play for more than 2 days or so, places I've been, upgrades I've collected, annoying ass shrines I've completed are totally wiped away from my memory. As such, even the file I started right around the time I got my Switch where iirc I was missing like 1 Divine Beast was deleted because.. fuck, I don't remember shit. Also,there's an harder mode with a few exclusive things and I totally won't get frustated fighting the weakest of mobs.

Tears of the Kingdom is out today. Did I beat Breath of the Wild? Nope. Got like 4 hours in with my girlfriend watching me play. We caught a horse and were going back to the stable to register it, but a bunch of asshole lizards attacked us and the horse ran away. After that she said "hey can I put on a show or something" to which I agreed and haven't played since.

As I sit on the cusp of buying Tears of the Kingdom anyway from sheer FOMO, I wonder; is Breath of the Wild going to be obsolute now? Will I come back to this one eventually? Can I actually beat the new one or am I just gonna get stunlocked by what seems to be an even larger scale game? Where's that fucking horse? I just don't know.