MUITO divertido, joguem com amigos, melhora 100% a experiência.

pior câmera de todos os jogos pelo amor de Deus.
a ideia foi inovar, inovou e ficou uma MERDA.

its more like an conversation but still good at all
a game or a test, whatever, continue pretty funny at a certain moment, the final act it just a sad ending

i cant believe this
i can sprint and i never thought this before go fuck your self u silly game
nice demons btw

its look like the DLC from the first game, but in some aspects its better, like the soundtrack, the new shotgun and the enemies.

no please no stop with that nobody asked for it PLEASE SHUT THE FUCK UP
you motherfocker stupid bitch get some real pussys and dicks

it was funny, a good game and a bizarre story, how could it be bad?
i hope i can beat 100% for this game someday.

eu achei um jogo bem medíocre, mas bem divertidinho em algumas partes. Por que eu droppei se não tem nada de negativo? simples! meu jogo bugou e no final não tenho como matar o boss por causa disso! mas no geral foi um experiencia positiva

a mediocre game. better than the first, of course. it was a good evolution in only 3 years.
hoot is the best 'friend' you can have.

it's the literal the worst game i ever played. fuck this controls and this mechanics

i don't fell like i completed that but King Dedede suffered in my hand. so i think i completed that tho.

it's a paradox.

other game that i can't think i completed it, but fuck that, i beat the record.

I've just played and my entire finger it's hurting. it's funny, not all that stuff

it's an unique experience. one of the most enjoyable gameplays that i've seen, with a surrealistc graphic that makes everything more interesting.

when the game starts you don't have idea of what's happenings - Where you are, how to play, who the hell are you and what you have to do. Discover all of it a immeasurable pleasure, futhermore you have a crazy OST in your ears, what helps you to enjoy the journey.