This was probably my favorite in the Ezio trilogy. Simple, fun sequences, cool world building mechanics, beautiful world, what's not to love?

He must be crazy!
She must be beautiful!

Basically Brotherhood but with a shitty tower defense mini-game. Story was kinda eh, but the combat felt smoother (although way too easy).

This game was a flaming pile of dog shit. I feel like I would have enjoyed it more had I played it on Vita, as the Xbox version is a pretty bad port. I really struggled through this one, but I had to send it, for the boys.

I definitely liked walking around Colonial Boston for a few hours, but the fact that the majority of game was blocked off until like sequence 7 was a questionable decision by Ubisoft. Overall though, it was a decent enough experience. Probably won't ever replay it but it was good for what it was.

I played this one right after a replay of Black Flag, and it basically felt like the same game, with a more AC3-esque atmosphere. Not a bad game, but not what I wanted having just spent a good amount of time playing Black Flag. I pretty much ignored all side content/collectibles.

Very atmospheric, and I like the addition of Free-Run Up/Free-Run Down as well as the more refined combat system. I liked how deadly my attacks felt, while also feeling like my enemies could do some pretty significant damage to me. But other than that, the story was boring, the missions were boring, traversing the world sucked, and the Dead Kings DLC was garbage.

The scene in chapter 2 when you first see/walk around your neighborhood at night when it's snowing is one of my all time most beautiful moments in a game ever.

Earlier this year, I set out to beat every single Assassins Creed game (besides number 1, just because I forgot to buy it and haven't felt like going back.) As of today, I may have failed that. This game's setting is so miserable to look at that every time I pick it up, I quit 15 minutes later. There are good, maybe even great, elements to this game, but I just don't feel like suffering through it. 4 sequences in, I'm fucking done. Onto Origins!


Took like a 3-4 month break from this, but wanted to finish it before my Series X came in, so I banged it out today and wow, was that fucking fun. The arena style run-and-gun combat is fun as absolute shit. Highly recommend playing this while listening to some metal bangers.

I mean, the nostalgia alone is worth a 5 star rating. Although I will say, I popped this baby in for a couple minutes last week and even the special edition is starting to show it's age.

All time favorite game, right here.

I've got spurs that jingle, jangle, jingle.

Me 2 months ago: Let's fucking go!! Futuristic Skyrim! I don't care how many times this gets delayed, as long as it comes out half as good as they say it's gonna be. I'm gonna play all three lifepaths and get immersed in the world and do everything, it's gonna be dope!!

Me a day and a half after launch: Yeaaaahhh, I think I'm gonna go back to grinding out challenges on Hitman 2.