68 reviews liked by sableyeruby

i hate discussing this game with fans because they always move the goal posts. no, this isn't the first time i've played an older 3d game, and no, i don't dislike this game because i can't appreciate them. i greatly enjoy and love games like resident evil, tomb raider, crash bandicoot, and sonic adventure; those were all early 3D offerings that were rough around the edges. they had very thought-out mechanics with intentionality behind their level design and were consistently engaging to play. i cannot say the same about this game. super mario 64 is not fun for me play because i do not find the mechanics or level design engaging. additionally, the camera is atrocious and has aged poorly. there's also this weird pseudo-tank controls aspect that changes how mario moves without warning and killed me several times in the later levels like TTC and RR. movement is actively one of the worst parts of this game, which is the kiss of death for a platformer. i don't dislike this game for being old, i dislike this game for being bad.

i respect what it tries to do, and i think there is some level of admiration game devs of the time express for it that i understand. i get why this was such a groundbreaking game in some ways. but, i grew up in this era, and even as a kid, this game didn't connect with me. finally sitting down and playing it as a fully grown adult, i can understand and verbalize what it is that fucks me off from this. am i impressed with the attempt to focus so much on momentum as a platforming principle? yes. do i think this game hits the mark with that lofty goal? absolutely not. again, it's not that this game is old; i had this same exact feeling when it was still a new game. i do not enjoy super mario 64 not because it is dated, because dated things can still be enjoyed. i do not enjoy super mario 64 because i do not enjoy super mario 64.

1.5/5.0 feels harsh, but it's a combination of not enjoying my time with this game as well as resenting this game's legacy. i don't understand how this is still regularly discussed in contention for greatest game of all time. i hate how it's still seen as hipster and contrarian to say this game isn't the second coming of christ. and, most importantly, i am very tired of this idea that the games that we love cannot have flaws and cannot be criticized.



you ain't from Michigan if you never done this befo

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"As we were gazing at the stars there, she said that nothing that happened would ever disappear, the same way we still saw the light of stars from a hundred years ago in the night sky."

playing this will turn you into a walking advertisement for it. seabed ruined my life. how am I supposed to do work after finishing this. how am I supposed to do anything. play seabed

takeshi kitano is the only hater to ever truly walk the walk. gotta respect that

oh my god. oh my god i get it. literally everyone was right this whole time. i didnt even think i LIKED racing games

moai doo wop 2 may be one of the worst levels ever created

this game can be summed up with a scene about a third of the way through. After a really grueling long boss fight followed by a forced loss phase 2 the girls have their backs against the wall. they find it in their hearts or some shit to use a new power where they all fuse into one massive robot in a really flashy transformation sequence with exciting music. once youre in the actual robot, the most penisy music ever composed starts playing and your robot has to play rock paper scissors against the boss. when a tie occurs in RPS you both heal which drags out the fight more than normal RPS ties already would

Never played but obligated to give it a 10/10 because of how much enjoyment I get from joining a new MegaTen server, making a joke about how Persona 3 was the first Persona game, turning notifications on my phone, and then shoving it up my ass