update: kim is confirmed. thank you snk. where is duck king

they made a pokemon game that isn't mid

this is a 9/10 held back by some underdeveloped aspects of its story. i had fun throughout. good game.

awesome game hope it comes out soon

Aside from the overworld perfomance being kinda bad this is everything I wanted from a NMH game. This is the highest amount of joy I've had with any piece of media in a while.

the game controls like shit with boring, long and annoying levels, and then has the fucking audacity to ask you to beat it 4 times for the ending.

i didn't actually get more than like 5 levels in because this game is unplayable.

guys it's real mvc4 is happening

it's honestly better than 80% of the games in this franchise.

best story in the series easily. maps can get tiring though.

a step in the right direction that seems to have been ignored afterwards.

how the fuck can you defend this

this one is okay. mechanically solid and the maps are a step up from awakening but is worse than conquest in every way except the story being slightly better. sort of goes with what the sacred stones was trying by making even the hardest difficulty a little too easy. this is the okayest fire emblem of all time.