if you can't beat the fucking third level you SUCK at games.

might have been the sheer amount of overhyping that soured my opinion but this game is... eh.
the story is completely unnecessary and feels like bad fanfiction written to please redditors who really love the "rip and tear epic!!!!" interpretation of doomguy. imo we should know nothing about him other than that he is a virgin, much like the target audience of these games.
somehow feels more like a drag than 2016 does. what i really did not like about 2016 was the long levels, and this game just makes that issue worse. i much prefer classic doom style where there would be about 30 or so maps you can master to complete very quickly. soundtrack is still awful much like 2016.

the game has a lot of charm to it and i did get invested in the story. not a fan of the combat though.

this game controls like shit and introduces some of the worst tracks in the series. held up only by gamecube kiddie nostalgia.

this game has a walter skin which raised by rating by half a star. it's kinda average, characters are decent but the protagonist is horribly boring. dungeons are more fun after the second one which almost made me drop the game.
it's a far better game than persona 3 and 4 at least.

i wish hard mode was actually hard

probably the best of the GBA games but doesn't stick on a first playthrough. hard mode is really fun. suffers from being incredibly cryptic.

the plot is pretty shit and lyn and her stupid mode are awful but this is a very solid entry imo. recommend downloading a save and just starting on hector normal.

i'd give this a 5/5 if the plot wasn't so awful. still a better story than any of the nu-FE games.

thank god for speedup buttons on emulators

this game is cool but it is uglier than sin

a great game in its own right that i'd rate higher if it didn't commit several sins that continue to plague the franchise to this day. truly a bigger re4 moment than re4 itself.