"oh boy, rng! my favorite!"

a simple game i copped for free from the epic games store god knows how long ago now. solitaire mixed with a rougelike, barely much more to say than that. rng in this game can be killer, but it's like that in standard solitaire as well. to me, this is just a straight upgrade to normal solitaire, but still really isn't something i'll play much of at all. an ok game.

"this game has raccoons? gimmie"

donut county is a simple, cute indie puzzle game that will take you about two hours to beat, but you will be thoroughly charmed throughout that time. this game's vibe is immaculate, and it also heavily features my favorite animal ever: raccoons! i love those little thieves. get this game, support indie devs! i'd say more, but i don't wanna spoil anything! it's really good though, seriously

"don't say it don't think it don't say it don't think it don't say it don't think it don't say it don't think it"

memes aside, this game was actually really fun during a time. though, i only think it's fun if you have friends. public lobbies are just blatantly unfun to play in. no one really touches it anymore, but it would still probably be a good time. i also feel a need to be a bit nicer since my favorite streamer, jerma 985, is an unofficial face of this game. a simple party game. can't go wrong. make the memes stop.

"morning to ya calhoun!"

this expansion to the original half life is honestly a bore. I don't think it's bad, but it just feels pointless. the best part of this expansion is basically just the fan service. only worth playing if you just want more half life 1, which is valid.

"wanna defeat capitalism? throw a bunch of stuff in an abandoned building!"

stardew valley is the kind of game where there's no good way, at least for me, to put into words why it is so amazing. there's a lot I could praise. the characters, plot, gameplay design, music, how cute the game is, or that it was made by a single talented young man. but none of any of that really matters for me in regards of this review. the most important thing to note about stardew valley, is the emotion it makes you feel. from the second you step off that bus, you are now in a world separate from your own. stardew has this amazing power to just calm you down, it's something another video game has never been able to do for me. the town of stardew valley, it's citizens, and just about everything else you can see or hear, makes it so easy to forgot about your real world problems. you are no longer someone who needs to constantly worry about making rent on time, you're a farmer who gets to pet 20+ every single day. you're not so tired from work you just lay in bed, you live every day of your life in stardew to its absolute fullest. more than anything, stardew is an escape. it's an escape from most, if not all, worries of modern society. nothing matters in stardew, but you feeling good, and helping others. this game is truly magic, and i would never be able to articulate this to you accurately enough to do justice to this game. please, play this game immediately.

"Isaac and his Isaac lived alone in a small Isaac on a Isaac."

I feel terrible for being this mean to a game that is essentially the momma to one of my top 5, but I need to be honest about my experience with this game. this game runs at like 20 fps at best, glitches like nothing else, has like 20% of the content repentance era Isaac has, and no controller support which is honestly the biggest death sentence for this game, Isaac on keyboard is awful imo. obviously it came first so the content issue isn't this game's fault, but it's another reason you shouldn't even be fucked to pick this one up. it doesn't help that I have no nostalgia for this game, I was only like 13 when afterbirth came out? so that's the one I grew up with. I'm sure this game was great when you didn't have other options, but now you do. this game got outclassed, and there ain't much point to it now. play repentance

"is this the one with the British robot people want to fuck?"

portal is a solid, well written puzzle game, but is totally outclassed by it's kid: portal 2 I would say there isn't even much of a point to picking this up before portal 2. it's very short, a lot less diverse than 2, and also handles the visual aspect of portal travel nauseatingly. it's a solid puzzle game, but if you play portal 2 and play this you will feel this games age. with all of that being said, it's a good game! just totally outclassed for years now. it's worth a buy during summer/winter sales you can get it for like, less than 50 cents. i wouldn't pay full price for this one, as much as i like it

"soy milk again? fuck off man"

as much as I do love this final version of Isaac, I don't have too much to say on it. it's just, in my opinion, the best rougelike ever made. solid, solid gameplay as well as a very balanced and fair rng system (most of the time). don't really have any emotional connection to isaac, but god damn is it fun. if you're ok with a game that needs to be won with a dice roll, this is seriously the best version of a game like that

"playing it, that's not the hard part. it's letting go"

fallout new Vegas is by far, in my opinion, the best fallout will ever be. the 'fun' gunplay of 3, but with the amazing writing of the older fallout games, whose gameplay is, to me, not fun whatsoever. this game has a wonderfully political conflict that is just so fun to get sucked into, I still see hour long video commentaries on YouTube over this game and the politics in it. almost every quest has two or more options with substantially different outcomes. the main quest especially gets across the feeling of change. you can still find people arguing what the best option for the Mojave is, and I think that's a sign of a well written game. this is the kind of game I will always come back to. I love it dearly, and I can only hope fallout can somehow reclaim even half the glory this masterpiece has.

"give 'em a gobful!"

whoo boy, how to even begin with this one? team fortress 2 is my favorite game of all time, let me just get that out of the way quick. I've been playing this game since I was 11, and I'm 20 now. it has fun gunplay, weapons, lore, characters, maps, and cosmetics. the years have been very kind to tf2 in most regards, it still holds up amazingly well, and is free to boot. every aspect of this game is so well made, you can spend thousands of hours, like i have, and not even come close to mastering everything in it. only issue i have is the bot issue you're probably aware of in this game. casual is a lot less fun, and valve better step to the fucking plate with it, for real. i have some faith in valve, though i can't say i like the company too much. they'll probably do something eventually. either way, tf2 is an undying titan. so many games have come and gone, but not my baby. she's still here, and she won't leave. the trailer says it all 'the most fun you can have online'