Not a perfect game, but a perfect sequal.

-Graphics are like a treat for the eyes. The are design is amazing just like the first two games.
-The gameplay is probably the worst thing in the game. At some parts it is really exciting and enjoyable; but other times times it is super boring and seems like it was forced to be inside the game.
-The story is fortunately written by Ken Levine once again. As you would expect from a BioShock game, the story is complicated. Too Fucking Complicated. It goes great by the beginning of the third act but suddenly everything changes. It seems like writers decided to get wasted and do LSD and then wrap the story up. The story might actually be flawless, if you were inside of Levine's head; but as the audience, there are just too many damn questions unanswered.
-The atmosphere is top notch. The art style; as I mentioned before, is fantastic. Columbia is really gorgeous, the soundtracks are amazing (like all other games of the franchise), etc.
-The DLCs are really good. First part of the Burial at the Sea, is much better in my opinion; the second one seems forced to be longer. The story is really great though... (not considering questions the main game has left unanswered). They are really fun and worth playing, still.

Not the best piece of Levine, or the best of the trilogy; but still a great game that's worth your time, specially if you like the previous games.

Could be a great dlc; but no, 2k wanted more money.

-The game is actually good despite of me giving it 3 stars. But it is good because it is like an expensive rip-off of BioShock 1. Almost 75 percent of the game is the same; and the rest are either worse are on a very rare case better.
-The story... The story is obviously not as good as the first one; but that's okay. Except with the fact that the structure of its story is exactly like the first game. EXACTLY. The missions, the bosses, the twists (which are not as good), etc.
- The art design is practically the same but with some minor changes and technical improvements.
-The gameplay is actually better in my idea. In the first game, some weapons were not as smooth and were hard to use; but in this game, they are improved and more enjoyable to shoot with.

BioShock 2 would be really good DLC for the first game that tells a whole different story in the rapture, that uses the same assets (almost). But the greedy policy of 2K led to an unworthy and forgettable sequel to a masterpiece.

If perfection was a game.

- The story.... OMFG... Easily one of the best stories ever told in the history of video games; if not the best. I don't want to talk more about it just in case I accidentally spoil some of it.
-The level design in this game is whole other world. The game doesn't ask you; but it makes you thirst over exploring the map; to check every corner, hack every bot and camera in your benefit, etc.
-The art design and environment design are also worth calling masterworks. Rapture is so beautiful that you want see more of it no matter how dangerous or terrifying it can be.
-The soundtracks are great. They match the world, the time, and the tone of the game; and make a perfect atmosphere overall.
-The gameplay is really fun but annoying at the same time. Some weapons are clunky and some have too much recoil that makes them a pain in the ass to shoot with.
-The final boss fight, although well designed; but it was kind of easy. It might not seem such big deal, but after playing for hours and seeing so many things in the world of Rapture, you would expect a crazy-ass boss fight; but you are not gonna get any.

The game has some very tiny flaws, but the game is overall so amazing, you can't help to love this masterpiece.


-Beautiful art and environment design; some detailed based on the background of that place.
-The Soundtracks are masterpieces that you can easily enjoy outside of the game.
-The art and STs have made such a great atmosphere for a medieval fantasy game.
-Gameplay is simple but very enjoyable; it can also be played in variation.
-The side quests are great (can be a class for other developers). You don't feel like they are chores that you have to do to level up for main quests. They are not needed to proceed in the game (as far as I can remember at least), but they are so enjoyable and well written that you want to play; and some are really memorable.
-The expansion packs, just like the side quests; can be a class for other developers to learn how to make a game. They are tens of hours long each, and add a whole lot of content to the game. From mutation to new storylines and a whole new map.

It is not a heavy RPG, and tries to lean more on the action-adventure side; but it is truly an amazing one and def worth playing multiple times.


Mixing "Half-Life", "Portal", and "Doom" is obviously fun.

-Good graphics considering the time it was released.
-Fun Gameplay with decent weapon variation.
- The story is good, but it could be much better by giving the player some choices in the important parts of it.
-Amazing art style and environment design.
-Level design is good but some puzzles can be slightly confusing.

Edit: I forgot Portal was made after this game.

-Compared to the first game of the franchise, it has improved significantly on the technical aspect.
-The story is good but my least favorite of the trilogy.
-Gameplay is decent but not the best.
-Soundtracks are good; but terrible for the game. I don't really want to listen to electric guitar while playing a game that sets in medieval fantasy era.
-The game has lost everything the first game did good. The Personality.

It's an average game for me but worth playing.

-The Character Models are really outdated and due to low budget of the game overused. (so are voice actors)
-The STs are unbelievably amazing and suit the game.
-The atmosphere (story, soundtracks, color palate, voice acting) is the best thing in the game and one of the bests I have ever seen; they fit so perfect. The atmosphere is actually why I am giving it such a high rating.
-The gameplay is VERY outdated and can be really hard for modern gamers to play for at least a few hours; but once you get used to it, it's not such a big deal.

It's not a perfect game but definitely worth playing. (Time played is estimated)