-The Character Models are really outdated and due to low budget of the game overused. (so are voice actors)
-The STs are unbelievably amazing and suit the game.
-The atmosphere (story, soundtracks, color palate, voice acting) is the best thing in the game and one of the bests I have ever seen; they fit so perfect. The atmosphere is actually why I am giving it such a high rating.
-The gameplay is VERY outdated and can be really hard for modern gamers to play for at least a few hours; but once you get used to it, it's not such a big deal.

It's not a perfect game but definitely worth playing. (Time played is estimated)

-Compared to the first game of the franchise, it has improved significantly on the technical aspect.
-The story is good but my least favorite of the trilogy.
-Gameplay is decent but not the best.
-Soundtracks are good; but terrible for the game. I don't really want to listen to electric guitar while playing a game that sets in medieval fantasy era.
-The game has lost everything the first game did good. The Personality.

It's an average game for me but worth playing.


Mixing "Half-Life", "Portal", and "Doom" is obviously fun.

-Good graphics considering the time it was released.
-Fun Gameplay with decent weapon variation.
- The story is good, but it could be much better by giving the player some choices in the important parts of it.
-Amazing art style and environment design.
-Level design is good but some puzzles can be slightly confusing.

Edit: I forgot Portal was made after this game.


-Beautiful art and environment design; some detailed based on the background of that place.
-The Soundtracks are masterpieces that you can easily enjoy outside of the game.
-The art and STs have made such a great atmosphere for a medieval fantasy game.
-Gameplay is simple but very enjoyable; it can also be played in variation.
-The side quests are great (can be a class for other developers). You don't feel like they are chores that you have to do to level up for main quests. They are not needed to proceed in the game (as far as I can remember at least), but they are so enjoyable and well written that you want to play; and some are really memorable.
-The expansion packs, just like the side quests; can be a class for other developers to learn how to make a game. They are tens of hours long each, and add a whole lot of content to the game. From mutation to new storylines and a whole new map.

It is not a heavy RPG, and tries to lean more on the action-adventure side; but it is truly an amazing one and def worth playing multiple times.

If perfection was a game.

- The story.... OMFG... Easily one of the best stories ever told in the history of video games; if not the best. I don't want to talk more about it just in case I accidentally spoil some of it.
-The level design in this game is whole other world. The game doesn't ask you; but it makes you thirst over exploring the map; to check every corner, hack every bot and camera in your benefit, etc.
-The art design and environment design are also worth calling masterworks. Rapture is so beautiful that you want see more of it no matter how dangerous or terrifying it can be.
-The soundtracks are great. They match the world, the time, and the tone of the game; and make a perfect atmosphere overall.
-The gameplay is really fun but annoying at the same time. Some weapons are clunky and some have too much recoil that makes them a pain in the ass to shoot with.
-The final boss fight, although well designed; but it was kind of easy. It might not seem such big deal, but after playing for hours and seeing so many things in the world of Rapture, you would expect a crazy-ass boss fight; but you are not gonna get any.

The game has some very tiny flaws, but the game is overall so amazing, you can't help to love this masterpiece.

Could be a great dlc; but no, 2k wanted more money.

-The game is actually good despite of me giving it 3 stars. But it is good because it is like an expensive rip-off of BioShock 1. Almost 75 percent of the game is the same; and the rest are either worse are on a very rare case better.
-The story... The story is obviously not as good as the first one; but that's okay. Except with the fact that the structure of its story is exactly like the first game. EXACTLY. The missions, the bosses, the twists (which are not as good), etc.
- The art design is practically the same but with some minor changes and technical improvements.
-The gameplay is actually better in my idea. In the first game, some weapons were not as smooth and were hard to use; but in this game, they are improved and more enjoyable to shoot with.

BioShock 2 would be really good DLC for the first game that tells a whole different story in the rapture, that uses the same assets (almost). But the greedy policy of 2K led to an unworthy and forgettable sequel to a masterpiece.

Not a perfect game, but a perfect sequal.

-Graphics are like a treat for the eyes. The are design is amazing just like the first two games.
-The gameplay is probably the worst thing in the game. At some parts it is really exciting and enjoyable; but other times times it is super boring and seems like it was forced to be inside the game.
-The story is fortunately written by Ken Levine once again. As you would expect from a BioShock game, the story is complicated. Too Fucking Complicated. It goes great by the beginning of the third act but suddenly everything changes. It seems like writers decided to get wasted and do LSD and then wrap the story up. The story might actually be flawless, if you were inside of Levine's head; but as the audience, there are just too many damn questions unanswered.
-The atmosphere is top notch. The art style; as I mentioned before, is fantastic. Columbia is really gorgeous, the soundtracks are amazing (like all other games of the franchise), etc.
-The DLCs are really good. First part of the Burial at the Sea, is much better in my opinion; the second one seems forced to be longer. The story is really great though... (not considering questions the main game has left unanswered). They are really fun and worth playing, still.

Not the best piece of Levine, or the best of the trilogy; but still a great game that's worth your time, specially if you like the previous games.

My first ever and favorite video game; I have memorized the lines in my heart.

-The gameplay the probably the number one thing that comes to the mind; it is breathtaking. Not the first ever game to introduce "bullet time", but definitely the first one that mastered it.
-The story is fantastic as well. Starting as an American dream, "But dreams have a nasty habit of going bad when you're not looking."
-The atmosphere is in the top three for me alongside "The Witcher 1" and "Machinarium" . The Noir York is absolutely gorgeous and perfect for the tone of the game; the snow, the darkness, the scum. The music is another thing mastered by Remedy entertainment; it's really beautiful and use you ears as small gateway to easily get into your heart.
-Graphics are not great, but they are good. Considering the time the game was released, they are not outdated at all.
-The comic book art style is absolutely amazing. They are so unique and enjoyable to look at. I am glad that whoever came up with it, did actually come up with this idea.

I have played this game for god knows how many times; and I still do play it. Every summer, the first two games I play are Max Payne 1 and 2; it has became like a ritual I have performed for a few years .

Edit: RIP James McCaffrey

The Greatest Videogame Love Story.

-The gameplay is amazing; similar to the first game but improved. The animations are much more fun and less clunky, which is expected since it was no longer an indie game.
-The graphics are also well improved even though it took only two years to develop. Actors are also professionals now, which is good but kind of sad since we no longer have Sam Lake as Max Payne..
-The Comic book cutscenes are still in the game which is great, but they are not changed that much; since it wasn't even needed.
-The story is great; but you should play the first game to truly enjoy it. Max Payne character arc following the first game is still enjoyable to follow; other than that, the core story of the game which is a love story is also great. The ending of the game is really sad, but it also teaches you to not to give up and try harder next time to get what you want.

I play this game and the first one every summer; I will never stop to love them since they are one of the first ever games that I've ever played, and are still super fun to play.

Great action game. Terrible Max Payne game.

-The gameplay is one thing done perfect. It is highly based on the gameplay of the first two games but well improved. The 'Bullet Time' is more enjoyable and not annoying at all. The animations and weapon variety is also really good.
-The story... If you have not played the first two, it is not that bad; it is just very basic. But if you have played the first two (and you are a fan like I am), the story is hideously bad. Dan Houser is a decent writer; but this is his worst piece. He is trying to mimic Sam Lake's style so hard, that the lines look like they were written by an armature. Some parts are actually good though, for like 20 percent of the game; but the rest is terrible. Max Payne does things he has never done; acts like he has hit his head on a rock or something...
-The graphics are... well, they are Rockstar graphics.
-Atmosphere is another thing that was butchered by the Housers. There is no longer Noir York; a dark cold gloomy night in which dreams turn into nightmares. Instead, you are in sunny brazil; which is alright, but not MAX FUCKING PAYNE.

This game is like a lab rat in Rockstar's history which he has tried to make money from. The second worst entry in the franchise after the movie (don't let me start on that one).

Flawed, but super fucking fun.

-The Graphics are really good and not outdated whatsoever; mostly because the game is designed to be kind of cartoonish.
-The soundtracks are meh. They are not bad. But there is nothing special about the to remember.
-The Gameplay the main thing in the whole game. Kill, burn, and destroy; there are the only things you need to do. There is good variation in the weapons; they are unique and have specials things about them (mostly). More important than the weapons are the abilities and superpowers which boost up the adrenaline in your veins. You blow things up, freeze them, burn them as you walk by them, throw them out in the sky, etc.
-The story is actually good; unlike what I expected. Since the game is mostly about destroying things, you wouldn't expect the developers to put a lot of time in the story writing; but this is game is not like that. The story is really funny, and kind of stupid (in a good way though); it is not something you would remember but it's really enjoyable.
-The level variation in the game is really cool. You have top down shooter, side stroller beat 'em up, and of course TPS. The side missions are also really cool, since you don't really have to do much; just FUCKING DESTORY EVERYTHING.
-It has been almost a decade since the game was released, but it's still full of bugs and glitches. The game crashed every once in a while no matter what I did, so I had to replay all the level since you can't save while you are in the middle of one. The bugs can be a pain in the ass as well but not as much as the crashes (some bugs are actually features that are related to the story).

This game is really fun, but that's just about it. Nothing special.

Twinkle Twinkle Little Star...

-The graphics are amazing; they perfectly hold up to date. One of the main reasons of this is the fact that cutscenes are all rendered in the game while you are playing; not just prerendered shit.
-The HUD is fantastic. It would be really easy to put a life bar and stamina bar right up in the corner and how much ammo you have down there in the left... But they are all designed into the equipment of Isaac so that you wouldn't need to pay attention to anything outside of USG Ishimura.
-The sound design is the thing the game does the best. It is designed so that it creeps you out and still let's you now when a necromorph is nearby. What makes this game scary af is not the brutality or being stranded in the space; it's hearing something move in the fucking vents.
-The gameplay and enemy design are also great. Gameplay is really enjoyable no matter what weapon you use. The necromorphs are also designed very well; but what gained my attention is their presentation, you see how they attack and act whether on someone else on yourself but on a gentle level. The only thing that bugs me is that the OTS gameplay can be quiet annoying when the necromorphs are near you.
-The writing is good but not perfect (the twists are not that great). Isaac is not the protagonist, neither are his crew or gf; but it's the Ishimura itself. The planet and its art design is what pushes the story up.
-The quest design is average at best. Most of the missions (there are 12) feel like each other. Go get X to fix Y and then move on to the next mission.

Play the game if you haven't but beware the ending cutscene.

Great story destroyed with stupid jokes

-The art is really good; not the best though. Depending on you, you might really like the art design of the game like I did. It is one of the very first games that would come to my mind when I think about "Rust-Punk" alongside Machinarium.
-The story as I said is really really good and has a lot of potential; but it's filled with stupid jokes. Not all jokes are stupid though, some are quite funny.
-The level design is mid to above-average, at best. Most of the game is smooth and all you need to do is to listen well or use your brain a little; but some of the puzzles are really irritating. It happens a lot, when you have to go somewhere but the game doesn't give you a clue about it. You should just go back and forth so many times, until you get lucky.

This game is really good for people who like point and click adventure games, specially considering the fact that "Beneath a Steel Sky" is free; but if you are new to the genre, it is a terrible choice.

One of the greatest sequels ever made.

-The gameplay is pretty similar to the first game but highly improved. The game is also more action packed which is good and bad at the same time; good because it's fun (duh) and bad because it doesn't give you the great atmosphere the first game had.
-The atmosphere even though not as great as the first one, but still pretty great. The new space station is relly well designed and it kind of reminded me of the Rapture from BioShock games.
-The quest design is much much better than the first. In the first game all chapters have a similar structure where you have to go somewhere fix something and then another one; but in this game it is much better.
-The writing is also really good, the same level as the first one good. The only thing I didn't really like is actually the Isaac's dialogues. In the first game Isaac is kind of a silent protagonist (I don't remember if he talked at all) but in this game, he is talkative as hell.
-The HUD and Sound Design are still one of the best things of this franchise up to this game. The HUD keeps you inside of the game and doesn't make you depended on anything outside of it. The sound design in this game is your best friend and your main enemy; it lets you know when a necromorph is near or even behind you, but it makes you shit your pants even when there is no threat.
-The graphics are good and hold up really great. Nothing special else about them...

Dead Space 2 is one of the best sequels I have ever played. Developers knew exactly what they wanted to do; take every great thing about the previous game and improve on them as much as possible. Definitely a must play.

Fuck this game
shitty puzzle design
shitty enemy design
unbelievably shitty plot
shitty writing

and all these only for the first two hours of the game. The game breaking bugs were the match to set me on fire and stopped me from playing this fucking piece of garbage.