10 reviews liked by screechfox

If any game felt Made For Me, its this one. I know Hades is the best Supergiant Game but this is my favorite Supergiant Game.

technically not a GAME in the traditional sence, but its a cute little builder sim that's great for relaxation, zoning out, and would probably be great for building maps for tabletop rpgs!

Create your own little town, imagining the countless stories of of the people who live there and navigate its winding streets, tree-lined canals, and hidden beach oases. then delete the town's time-honored landmark because its roof looks a bit weird
This is a perfect little zen garden

Engineer me is floored by the attention to detail when it comes to the structures supporting these buildings.

Great game to calm down <3

(6-year-old's review, typed by his dad)

It's the first 3D game that I've beaten. I like how you climb up a mountain. (Hawk Peak)

(6-year-old's review, typed by his dad)

I like how you can go crazy in it, like when other people get run over and you can punch a car and then go into a corner and then fight the police

I call it "Fight Corners"

(5-year-old's review, typed by her dad)

You get to be a dice and FIGHT and MONEY


This was TTG's best game by a fucking lot. I sometimes have this full sensory flashback to the Trust Jack ending of Episode 2, which is a stunning confluence of cinematography, music, and writing. It's maybe my favorite Single Moment in a video game. And the entire story is amazing! I honestly still cannot believe what TTG did with Rhys in this game. The build of his deal with the devil is amazing. I am begging everyone who plays this game to try the Trust Jack plotline, it goes some fucking INCREDIBLE places. Look. This game made me cry a few times.

i play this game like it's the sims and i have a bunch of fun with it. there's surface-level mechanics that are easy for me to get, and there's deeper shit that goes way over my head - but i appreciate that such a deep game can be pretty moron-friendly as far as pdox games go. all the regular updates & packs are gonna make this a 5 star in time, i can feel it