It's still kind of fun. Like in beta, stringing combos together and figuring out how to play each character is satisfying. It feels good to create custom combos in this game. BUT, there are some awful changes on release:

Characters are floatier than before and feel worse to control, character currency is WAY too hard to get, requiring a friend to play a world of light type PvE for 100% completion is bogus, THIRTY FRAMES OF INPUT BUFFER, server issues are still up in the air, the new menu UI is awful compared to the last one, and most of all they REMOVED THE FEATURE THAT ALLOWED YOU TO TRY CHARACTERS OFFLINE/IN TRAINING. Now you have to pay 20 bucks or grind for 40 hours if you want to try the new joker character lol. Whoever at WB decided this change I hope you have to spend all your extra money on hospital bills. I wish physical and mental harm on you. NAME ONE CHANGE THAT WAS POSITIVE BESIDES NEW CHARACTERS, YOU CAN'T.

There's an alright platformer fighter underneath all this shit, but with how things are looking so far it's not looking very good for the community. I have been praying for a good fighting platformer ever since the dogshit game nintendo put out, but this is not it. The game is NOT worth spending hours of grinding to be good at. Will be a fun commodity for about a year at most I would say, like NASB. I guess I wait for Rivals 2.

One time I was chilling in my basement and then I heard a super loud buzzing sound and saw this huge ass wasp ramming itself into a wall above the window and decided to nope the fuck out upstairs. I forgot about it and went back down and saw it dead on the floor.

playing this """game""" had me feeling the exact same way as I did seeing that wasp

we get one ascended rogue-like a year. this is it for 2024. game will ruin lives once mobile version is out

I unironically like these versions of the characters better than I do the movies. I wish all superhero games were like this. Not some grinding live service BS, but just a start-to-finish game that allows players to explore the characters they already know a bit with an immersive environment and enjoyable story.

I want to like this game, but they make it really hard to.

The mechanic of switching between two worlds in a soulslike game that also works as a sekiro death mechanic is really fucking cool. The fact that the devs had to make 2 separate but same environments that you can enter and exit kind of whenever you want is peak game design. I had a lot of fun comparing the differences between the environment when you enter and exit the shadow realm or w/e it’s called. On an artistic level, you really can’t get much better than this. Combat is fun to figure out because you can swap weapon positions mid combos, allowing you to create the dark souls custom combos you always wanted. The lamp combat mechanics are janky, but also fun once you figure them out after looking online because they give you one info page at the beginning you can’t look back at.

Unfortunately, this game suffers from probably some of the most asshole level design I’ve ever seen. It’s like they saw Snake Fortress and were like “damn, what if that was the whole game? People would like that”

This game is not fun because it’s ANNOYING level design, not CHALLENGING level design. Like, it’s cool when you want to put someone in a hidden corner to ambush me while I grab an item, but doing that for what it feels like 50% of the time is so fucking annoying.

They also have environmental barriers this time around that you have to cross into the shadow realm to pass. While cool at first, it gets really frustrating when you’re just trying to get through a zone and realize you have to clear the entire zone every time just so you can sit in the 2 second animation to cross that barrier and not get fucked up by enemies. ADDITIONALLY, the game spawns little ghouls to challenge you from staying in the shadow realm for too long, which is neat. The thing is, these ghouls RESPAWN WHENEVER. You can kill them in one area, explore and come back to that area, and they will respawn indefinitely until you leave the shadow realm. I know I’ve said this already but DAMN, what an annoying as fuck mechanic. With this, also put in asshole enemy placement, asshole level design, and you get a game that becomes an absolute CHORE to play.

PLEASE tales game please make a game with a good story that doesnt make me want to go on my phone every time a cutscene plays

I was in thailand and had my riot account locked out so the only thing I could play at the PC cafes was overwatch 2. It's actually fun to play, but just the state of the game is so fucking depressing. I stopped taking overwatch seriously in 2016, but the fact there's still ride or die players is honestly so fucking sad. This game was treated like dirt, and it's players moreso.

If everyone who was responsible for making OW2 what it is today was tossed out a space airlock into the dark nothingness of space, not only would OW2 be better, but the entire gaming industry would benefit. Facts.

Anudda day, anudda alright action roguelike. That's what this game feels like. It's just vampire survivors with newgrounds-era upgrades and shooting gameplay. Not bad by any means, but not great in any means either.

game got me holding my breath like IM the one underwater. mf no

She bible on my thump until I binding of Isaac: Rebirth

there's really nothing about making games its more of just titling stuff moving levers and praying it works. Finally I can see how my action-racing video game idea Huck my Shuck Racing 2: Farmer's Village will do in the real world

Back in the 2000s some people were imagining how good things would be in the future. Some people hoped we would get robot servants, flying cars, but we didn't get those.

Some other people hoped that we would get a PERFECT Dungeons & Dragons video game where you could control your characters exactly how you would want them to like you would in your head in a perfectly meshed environment where characters and monsters come to life and you're able to interact with all of this in any way your wildest dreams can imagine. Whoever those people are, you need to dream me getting a million dollars.

I bought this a little after release just to see what dragon quest was really about. Went in with little expectations and those little expectations were met, and that's about all I can say. Toriyama coming in with banger designs, but everything is super shallow. Not that that's bad, there's just not a lot of depth to the story or characters. Just a straight "heroes good, villains bad" type of story. Pair that with the super classic JRPG turn-based gameplay and you get a pretty good game that takes a long ass time to finish. It's fun, but I don't think I would recommend this to anyone unless I KNEW they liked JRPGs.

IDK how i came to find this game, but I played it and actually had a lot of fun despite how it's aged. Held back by not having a x2 speed so games take way too long but dungeon management is fun.

This was larian's pre-baldur's gate 3, fully voiced and everything. combat doesn't flow as smoothly and the writing isn't as good (but still MUCH better than a lot of other games), but for 2018 this game is still really good in terms of RPG gaming and replay value. There's honestly no reason to buy this now that BG3 is out. The only reasons you would are because A: you've finished baldur's gate 3 in every way possible and still want more B: don't have enough money for BG3 but will catch a D:OS II on sale C: you only own a switch but want to play BG3