just the basic AC formula with hunting in the wilderness added and some crafting. That's it. Everything bad in the past games is still here.

Fortnite is going to go down as one of the GOATed games for a ton of kids. Despite being the same shit over and over again, they actually provide a lot of updates that keep kids coming back and spending their parent's money. That shit isn't easy. You shouldn't be playing this on the reg if you're over 21.

On a casual level, this is an easy 4/5. They made a story worth investing into and made a "new gen" starcraft, making it look amazing. Seeing units from the 2D starcraft 1 into 3D starcraft 2 was fucking awesome. Though, with this next gen change, it took a lot out of the game. Everything that made the first starcraft fun competitively was ruined in this game, causing it to die out really soon. There's a reason people still talk about brood war and not this.

It was fun when it released, and that's pretty much it.

Made in 1998 and still somehow the best RTS game out there.

PEAK gaming. When games were meant to be played and not monetized. Every single aspect and mechanic of this game either immerses you into the game or helps you play better. There's a lot to learn if you want to take it competitively, but it also has a fun campaign for casuals. They don't make em like this anymore.

I was in thailand and had my riot account locked out so the only thing I could play at the PC cafes was overwatch 2. It's actually fun to play, but just the state of the game is so fucking depressing. I stopped taking overwatch seriously in 2016, but the fact there's still ride or die players is honestly so fucking sad. This game was treated like dirt, and it's players moreso.

If everyone who was responsible for making OW2 what it is today was tossed out a space airlock into the dark nothingness of space, not only would OW2 be better, but the entire gaming industry would benefit. Facts.

Beat this in 1 night staying at my Uncle's place. As a kid, I didn't really understand what was going on other than im having a GREAT time watching this badass dude cut the FUCK out of some robots. As an adult, I completely understand what MGR tries to do in terms of political and social commentary, but does it make it any less cooler? Fuck no. It makes it even better. They really said "let's make a fun video game from start to end" and they did it.

Tried this out for a bit, and it's just not for me. The setting, sounds, armor, weapons, and enemy designs are super cool but it's just a bit too slow-paced for me. rather than playing the game, I was kind of slogging through it. happy for everyone who has the nostalgia factor though, they're eating good

This game is a beautiful game. It really looks like a next gen game, surrounded by stars, planet fauna, and atmosphere that can make even the most immersive games ashamed. But, it feels like a past gen game from 2015.

The best way I can describe this game is: Shallow. This game is shallow. It's not as shallow as no man's sky on release, but this game is riddled with side quests and random events that feel boring. While they try to make these interesting, it's just kind of held back by the fact starfield is a game that's been made 7 times already. Like I've already played this quest before. There's nothing new being done here. A quest where I have to clear a ship/base for X reason. Factions consist of "were the good guys" or "were the bad guys" and it doesn't get more deep than that. To get astral powers, you HAVE to explore these big ass temples that is cool for the first 3 times, but that quickly gets stale. There are 24 of these powers. They're kind of cool, like one of the first ones is that you can levitate enemies in the air for a while, but I found myself not using it very often as the guns I got did the work just fine. Exploration feels awful because of everything from enemies to bases to assets inside the bases just feel copy pasted. You've seen one base, you've seen them all. Maybe hope this time that this base isn't copy pasted and it was manually created for a sidequest or something. Everything just feels lackluster.

The other thing that really got my goat is the fucking LOADING SCREENS. Holy fuck. Has probably been said thousands of times before, but EVERY TIME you enter or leave a planet/starbase you gotta watch your dumbass character get out of the chair and walk out the ship yourself or vice versa. I'm not even kidding, once you start unlocking different planets, even fast traveling becomes annoying as fuck. I understand it's for load times but damn my first 3 hours had like ATLEAST 15 combined minutes of that ONE loading screen on a decent PC. Combine this with above average dialogue/writing at best and awful at worst and you have a game that's a little bit below mid.

Someone described Starfield as a game for dads. And honestly, they're right. If you don't want to read too much into an adventure game, don't want to think too much, enjoy basic stories that aren't that compelling and basic gunplay that hasn't changed since 2008, have patience to sit through the same awful loading screen 312809 times, want to play fallout games but want a reason to use your high spec PC, then this game is for you, and you're probably old and can't taste how awful the Bethesda Slop™ is. Spend level up points to simply do 20% more damage with 1 type of gun instead of doing something cool. Level up your lockpicking and now you can pick locks up to level 60, wow. Whatever. If you haven't touched any bethesda games, this game is probably amazing. Let me know when Bethesda actually tries to make something new and fun instead of re-releasing the same game for the 20th time.

I really wanted to like this game as a huge fan of roguelikes, but I refunded because the main gameplay loop wasn't for me. The combat just kind of feels clunky and unsatisfying, and the upgrades that you get are okay at best. Maybe it's just cause I didn't play for long enough, but I had enough of it in my 2 hours of playing.

I've never played singleplayer, but fucking around in the forest with your friends is fun as fuck. Get chased by naked cult members and scream while your friends try to throw spears at them. Get spooked in the dark ass cave, get lost, and never make it out. There is an ending to this game, but I've never gotten that far. It's an alright survival-horror.

This game is honestly sick af. The core gameplay of hunting big ass robotic beasts and dinosaurs feels amazing, learning how they attack and learning how to fight around these beasts, figuring out weak points with the tools given to you is super fun and satisfying. You can easily tell a LOT of care and thought was put into the robot dinosaurs and combat. If the game was LITERALLY just that, it would've been 5/5. All this makes up my current 3.5/5 alone.

Unfortunately, people like stories along with their adventure games. It just so happens that horizon zero dawn's is ASS. An ASS story, with ASS characters, with an equally ASS MC. It just felt like everyone who was involved with the story just didn't care. The voice actors don't feel like they care, the dialogue doesn't matter, it felt like the writers were literally just paid to write whatever, and not to make or add to a story. Just a whole lot of nothing and it makes me not give a SINGLE fuck. It's not even like because it's just a basic cookie cutter story, it's just boring as fuck at LITERALLY all times. I'm being serious, go to a horizon zero dawn gameplay vid, find someone speaking and TRY to be engaged. It's hard as fuck. The only way to find out certain lore is to have specific characters spout them in front of you, exhausting 1 of 6 of the optioal and pointless dialogue options you have with them lmfao. If you've played this game: Gun to your head, name ONE other character besides Aloy. You fucking can't because LITERALLY every other character is forgettable, though I'm SURE you remember all the robot dinos you fought. Combine this with the AWFUL time-wasters such as waiting .8 seconds to collect materials, and you have an AMAZING game that's held back by it's creators. It becomes a chore to get through this game just so you can get to the good parts, and IMO that's worse than just being a straight up bad game.

There's no emotions to be felt from this game except from how cool the robot beasts are and the dopamine you get from fighting them. This game is one of the biggest wastes of potential out there. Imagine this game with a story on par with witcher 3 or god of war. Imagine this game with an MC who isn't boring and stale as fuck. Imagine this game NOT being published by Ubisoft and instead someone that actually cares about the game. There's another universe out there where H:ZD is the best game of all time and I'm jealous as fuck of that universe.

If you wanna pick up this game, just clear the main story while skipping cutscenes ASAP, fight as many unique dino robots as you can, read the wiki for lore if you're interested, and you've pretty much gotten everything that's worth getting out of the game.

For me, the best thing about witcher 3 is the world building. Just seeing the lore and characters flesh itself out as the story progresses is super fucking cool. The story itself is good but not amazing, along with the combat. The combat feels kind of clanky, but is still satisfying where I can go like "damn that was pretty cool." It's the same feeling with assassin's creed combat lmfao. There's a lot of minor gripes when it comes to combat that really add up.

The monsters and creatures that you fight carry the fuck out of this game. I always wanna see what monster/creature is causing mischief when someone gives you quest that's like "my uncle's dog Pier got his dick ripped off trying to pee on the well, can you see what's up." Combined with the good writing CD Projekt red adds, and it really does immerse you into the world of being a witcher.

Witcher 3 is claimed as one of those games where it defined how good games could be for that generation. They're honestly right. One of the most solid adventure open world RPGs.

idk where to begin with this game. A long ass story with even longer side quests. Despite having a serious yakuza storyline, it doesn't take itself too seriously and does a lot of crazy shit which makes everyone like this game. For the crazy shit alone, it's worth trying out this game.

this is definitely one of those games where you can shut your brain off because everything besides the gameplay is dogshit. Though, it's like junk food but not even the good kind. It's like a knockoff of lays sour cream and onion chips that's worse. That's what this game is.