9 Reviews liked by seinen

- I enjoyed the aesthetics, story and characters.
- Some of the puzzles made me wanna rip my hair out.
- I had to backtrack to get all the endings but it was pretty worth it in the end.

To start off I’ll just say 🧎🏾‍♀️🥲🥺😖😫😭

But for real I enjoyed this game a lot; there’s definitely some flaws in this game when it comes to some gameplay mechanics and pacing sometimessss but overall I enjoyed my time with this.

I think my fav thing about this was the voice acting, it was actually CRAZY and Charlotte McBurney specifically deserved some awards and recognition for her performance as Amicia. The plot was pretty good too, it starts off good and gets a little weaker in the middle but it comes back pretty strong during the end.

Amicia and Hugo’s bond just makes the plot sooo much more emotionally charged and it really drives the story on so well. Ive also seen some ppl criticizes certain character actions but I feel like a lot of that stuff made sense when considering everything lol..

But yeah I would prob give this a 7/10

- Ok story; execution wasn’t great and it gets kinda cringy at times.
- Hit or miss voice acting.
- Chase sequences got worse each time (the last one was ESPECIALLY bad.)

A near perfect conclusion to the series. It did start to drag just a little bit near the end, but my investment with the story and the characters was enough to overcome that. I absolutely loved seeing the characters in a slightly more mature story, with how they handled Drake's struggle to adapt to a 'normal' life and how that struggle affected his relationship with Elen. I also love that it did this without invalidating the happy endings from the previous games. I think why lot's of people were upset about Last of Us 2 is that the first game's ending was essentially undone/perverted by it, which isn't true here. I also absolutely loved how they evolved the gameplay with slightly more 'open' level design and actually interesting stealth mechanics, since the stealth sequences were what I despised the most from the previous game; now I can actually see how Uncharted progressed into The Last of Us style gameplay. Still need to play Lost Legacy before moving on to that series.

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Intermission does A LOT despite it being short. It offers a different perspective of the story, expands the world-building (specifically Midgar), and introduces Yuffie! A different perspective from other members of Avalanche and from Wutai - both parties affected by Shinra's actions - and new areas greatly expand the world-building. It’s really interesting how we start in an area we aren’t familiar with - we’re familiar with the landscape - but then once we reach areas we’re familiar with, those new areas feel familiar. The new areas feel like back alleyways. Does this make sense? I’m not sure, but I hope it does.

Jumping from remake to intermission was weird because I’d try to switch characters - due to reflex - but the game makes it impossible because Sonon isn’t a playable character (squeenix are you FORESHADOWING?????)

The DLC does a fantastic job of introducing Yuffie and sets up some really interesting stuff for her character in rebirth. I never played the og, so I’m really interested to learn more about Yuffie because of the small crumbs the game lays out (family dynamics/her relationship with her dad) and see how the events weave into rebirth. I WANT MORE YUFFIE AND SONON BECAUSE THE DYNAMIC!!! I want to see Yuffie deal with internal conflict due to Sonon projecting his sister onto her. I have many thoughts and ideas haha like what if Sonon isn’t dead and Nero somehow makes Sonon into a puppet, and Yuffie has to fight Sonon wow I’m sowing the ideas for angst. I’m also really interested to see how knowing the plate dropping will affect her and her relationship with the others. Yuffie isn’t from Midgar and puts Wutai as her top priority because that’s her homeland, but at the end, you see Yuffie in shock over the plate dropping and “says it’s too cruel”. Confused about why Shinra would sacrifice so many lives of their people, you see Yuffie’s sympathy and compassion for the people, which develops by interacting with Avalanche, walking around Sector 7, and forming bonds.

Waiting for rebirth is painful.

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preparing myself for rebirth by replaying remake, intermission, and crisis core reunion. VERY EXCITED FOR REBIRTH. I've never played the original (but i know tidbits because internet), so it will be interesting to dive more into the story. I have a much better appreciation and love for characters I originally didn't click with. I'm sorry Cloud ;-; BUT I LOVE AND APPRECIATE YOU SO MUCH MORE NOW. Tifa was always my favorite character, and still is, but wow, it's impossible to rank the characters in a tier list because all of them are so good and complex WOW. Anyways Tifa continues to be Laurencore. Characters who look tough on the outside but are actually kind and empathetic and cares for others and puts others before themselves and doubt themselves throws them in my pocket because they deserve so much and determined LAURENCORE

Was able to complete 17/18 chapters on hard mode. Next time I'll be better prepared for Sephiroth. Rufus fight went from probably my most hated fight to my most loved fight in the game.

I'm still amazed by the world-building, and the soundtrack proceeds to consume them I'm SO EXCITED to step out of Midgar and see more world-building. Midgar's world-building is really solid, and I'm just excited to see more of the outside world because it's going to expand the game tenfold. THere are so many thoughts. Putting them into coherent sentences? Literally impossible. It would take me days.

This game is truly for the bisexuals.

The Ace Attorney series never disappoints me. my favorite part of the aa series is how each case has a purpose and builds upon each other up to the final case.

now i throw van zieks in my pocket to keep him safe

What is going on in this game? The plot is completely nonsensical: There's a morgue under the school for some reason, students just hang out at the school at night, enemies have the worst AI I've ever seen in a video game.

And the dub. Oh god, the dub. How this managed to get released is a mystery to me. No shade to the voice actors (who are probably really lovely people) but the script isn't giving them much to work with.

Let's be honest, the first game was, despite its popularity back in the day, not a master piece. And still, the sequel seems like a horrible insult to the original.

This was the first soulslike game I played, and I was surprised at how sucked in I got. It's extremely satisfying to do all of the things these games are known for, and the hidden secrets you can find throughout. I don't love the aesthetic overall, but it's a bit more interesting than Demon's souls, which I finished before this one due to mainly playing this with my friend who got me into it. It has its charms and intriguing parts though. I enjoy some of the more cosmic horror parts and some of the enemy designs are pretty good.

it's hard to overstate how the, at first seemingly clunky, gameplay feels so good after you get a handle on it. I think the message I wanna broadcast about the souls games for folks like me: they are actually good, and not nearly as difficult as you expect. Still difficult, for sure, but a much more manageable form of difficulty than you would anticipate based on their reputations.

I understand people who get into the story rather deep will profess their love for it, but learning most of the details I still find them pretty uninteresting. Bloodborne definitely is more intriguing than demon's souls, though. If one of these can actually deliver a story that fully compels me personally, then I would be ecstatic.