One of the few games that truly deserves the title of "hidden gem", this game is criminally unknown. With fantastic writing, a nice art style, great soundtrack, and simple but fun gameplay this game is just an all around classic imo. i have a problem of dropping RPGs and metroidvanias midway through playing them, so the fact this one kept me hooked through the whole journey is a testament to its consistent high quality.

Somehow the animation is even more incredible than the base game. Some of the best boss fights in all of gaming, the final boss is absolutely jaw-dropping

fun and satisfying first half, although a little on the easier side. after making to the halfway point the game really picks up. There's a side mode that completely changes the way the game is played and i've been having a ton of fun with that. Really fantastic game.

Fantastic game. Every single level is memorable with unique mechanics, enemies, and music. I'm personally a huge sucker for time limit mechanics in games, and this one's a big ol' lollipop.

Pretty good overall, I enjoyed the driving sections and there were only a few small points where the game felt like it was dragging. Combat really isn't my favorite, but it's decent enough for how old the game is.

Basically the perfect platformer. The wonder effects make each level super memorable, unique and constantly. I loved how this game served as a soft-reset for 2D mario, with a new world, characters and enemies. Gave it a far more unique identity than past entries.

A very basic but enjoyable warioware game. I'm not super into chasing high scores so this didnt hold me for long after finishing the game, but I did enjoy trying all the extra modes and completing the surprisingly short story mode. Frantically switching between the different types of microgames (touch, rotate, and mash) was cool. Nothing really blew me away here though, just seems a bit standard although enjoyable.

I rarely get so addicted to a game that I'll be playing it for over 4 hours straight, but Factorio just gets to me somehow. It's peak i'm afraid

The first Animal Crossing game I've really throroughly played. New Leaf on the 3DS was my first exposure to the series, but as an idiot 12 year old I did not have the patience nor interest for it. I get that New Horizons is a lot different from previous entries, according to fans of the series, but personally I really love how you can decorate outside your house and shape the entire world to your liking in this game. However, the few small annoyances that are barriers to this can feel quite grating after a short time. So many DIYs to find and only getting 1 or 2 each day, crafting taking forever, and inventory management being just generally annoying really hampered my experience and kept me from investing more time into building my island into what I had envisioned. Overall, while New Horizons offers a fulfilling opportunity to shape your island to your liking, the consistent pervasive annoyances like tiny inventory space and cumbersome crafting mechanics can detract from the overall enjoyment, leaving a lingering sense of frustration on an otherwise fantastic game.

An essentially flawless game. Inscryption attains this title by having not only fantastic card game mechanics, ( the only I've ever liked ) a gripping story with tons of jaw-dropping twists, but most importantly: doesn't let any of these elements overstay their welcome.

The game quickly moves from different interesting mechanics, constantly keeping things fresh. The story only moves forward on rare occasions, so when something story-related does happen, it feels all the more special.

The visuals and music were fantastic. Specifically, I loved how the diegetic all the UI was. For most of the game, there is virtually no onscreen UI, and all information is presented through in-game items. To me, this is incredibly engaging and keeps me immersed in the experience.

Overall, Daniel Mullins, my boy, you're one to watch.

Fine enough game, not a whole lot interesting or unique going on. I was hoping the grapple mechanics would play a bigger role, but I didn't even get that far into the game so who knows.

The issue that broke this game for me was the aerial control. For whatever reason, unlike most games where taking your thumb off the control stick stops the character, in this game he keeps moving despite that. This makes precise jumps incredibly frustrating for me, and ultimately caused me to quit the game.

Others may find it not as annoying, but it really hampered my experience. Decent enough game, brought down drastically by poor control.

A really solid metroidvania, only had to use a guide once which for me means this game did a really good job at guiding the player, but never felt hand-holdy. Boss fights were awesome, visuals were some of the best on the switch, overall just a fun time that doesnt overstay its welcome

I'll sadly admit this game didn't quite grab me as much as i had hoped throughout the whole journey. The opening few hours are fantastic, and i was thoroughly immersed in the world. But some later areas drag on for especially long and the combat got a bit stale after awhile. The story kept me going however and made the journey worth it.