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The game is interesting by the very premise of it being different and philosophical. Although I can't help but think its really shallow in pretty much all fronts.

1. Characters- Archetypes. Some Archetypes feel more well written some don't. 9S was the best one- but still not quit there.

2. Plot- Nier Automata to me had a plot, where things just happened. There was a lack of structure to it. Another thing the plot lacked was buildup. It relied a lot on quick paced yet repetitive storytelling focused on delivering reveals and twists- which didn't hold a lot of weight to me, due to how quickly they were dropped. There was also a lack of effective drama and conflict. Granted there is no real need for "conflict" in this game- but the lack of the drama aspect made it feel so less cathartic- when shit hit the fan. I mean all the Original Main questline content in this game is only 14-16 hours so- not a lot to expect here but definitely a missed opportunity.

3. Worldbuilding and Themes- The worldbuilding is well very shallow and surface level. Like naming characters after philosophers or having two generic side quests won't give depth to an otherwise hollow world. This kind of applies to the philosophical/thematic aspect of the game as well. Its sold as being really deep, but at its core its just an extremely armchair/layman exploration of existentialist philosophy set in a dystopian backdrop. These two can mesh together really well, especially with the lore of the world. But ultimately the game is not exploring anything deeply (like other dystopian works such as texhnolyze and ergo proxy) nor leaving anything to interpretation; on the players part ( as noted by another reviewer above).
It loses the philosophizing or pondering aspect of it in process. As I said, its a very accessible work which does well in its time phrase and isn't mindless, but it is not what it is made out to be, and the premise isn't given justice by its execution. Surely a lot of mixed opportunities.

4. Gameplay/Graphics- Graphics are great by JRPG Standards, Gameplay is repetitive but okay- RPG elements are something I don't the need of.

Overall 6/10

Its a dumb and at times entertaining fast paced blockbuster, which tries to have a deep meta narrative concerning the players morality, but just comes off as a 2deep4u game, with an equally ridiculous twist/ tragic character event.

It is a turn your brain off blockbuster, it has a fast paced, action driven plot which is like a cheesy and goofy scifi/action flick. Characters are charming in their own way as well. My only issue is how the boss battles break immersion/ kill the excitement you get from the plot (I mean it because I couldnt beat the final boss, and just watched it on youtube, IMO i was so close to the end that it counts as "completed game")- to only frustrate you and how the twists despite being exciting at first, don't really live an impact. I also like how the choices kind of matter in this game. The issue of frame rate dips is another thing which bothered me when I played this on PS3.
Decent but entertaining cookie cutter narrative/characters, kind of suckish boss fights and fast paced action to keep you both entertained and frustrated at the same, I was debating whether to give this a 6 or 7. For the time being my final score is 6/10, but it was close to being a 7.


The game has its issues, its not perfect by any means. But not only is it distinctive in its style and ambitious in what it tries to achieve; the game is almost impressive, comes together really well in the end,.

1. Atmosphere- the game is mostly ambient sounds, and has a rather dreamlike surreal feeling to it. Almost portraying a fuzzy cruel fever dream in a game world. It evokes a feeling of being lost, dread and really makes you feel the boundless nature of an unbreakable bond and the idea of being spiritually attached to someone. I'll be honest, despite being so minimalistic it works- and the atmosphere is one of a kind; probably the best i've experienced in games so far. and I think it only works because its a ps2 game (or rather due to its 6th gen aesthetic).

2. Characters and Story- There is no real plot to this game. In theory, its one long escort mission- with semi complicated puzzles. But the way its told and manages to express itself is wonderful. The player roots for the characters, as they traverse through an expansive yet alien world, which is unpredictably dangerous at every step and makes them look small and insignificant. I also really like how much subtle yet real the game is with exploring ICO's character. The childlike innocence; and the urge to disregard everything and save Yorda.

1. The gameplay can be tedious and has not aged well. Had it not been for save states (played this one on an emulator), this game would get really really frustrating and repetitive.

2. Second act is necessary but boring- The ending and the epilogue definitely amplify the overall experience. Especially after the somewhat boring 2nd act, which is very much a rehash.

Overal a solid 8/10

Level 1 to 3 are 7-8/10 (Peak, extremely chill- great vibes)
Level 4 to 6 are 6-7/10 (Mediocre, sometimes would kill the vibe and point of the game)
Credits if they count is 5/10 (Meh too long)

Okay, so if i'm being honest- the combat in this game doesn't feel fun and u get swarmed a bit too often. And since this game takes place over the course of a single day, the plot doesn't feel as grand as others, and this applies to first 60% of the game, which is mostly backtracking/rescue mission. Its the last 40% which makes this game a rather redeemable experience. Its not bad, just kinda feeling aged and average. Although it does have its moments (Also the trademark uncharted humor and great setpeices), most of this is associated to the games simplicity. Also elena is cute in this one. Overall forgettable but still decent experience.

The story is great for a Call of Duty Game, the second best besides Black Ops 2.
It gets better at the last 3rd tho.
Also thank you game devs for including Sympathy for the Devil. That was just a great touch!

If this is peak Urobuchi, then its safe to say this guy sucks. B grade horror shit, with forced assault scenes, and edgy trashy writing, praised for being different, unique and deep. Just an abomination.


this game is boring and tedious. and I gave it enough chance.

I think 13 sentinels might have one of the finest narratives on the PS4, even then it isn't without a fault.

In retrospect I think the characters are just kinda average and the final buildup to the end maybe slightly lagging even though the actual end in itself is fantastic.

Although I think that's not the point. 13 sentinels IMO is meant to be a laid back experience, which makes u go " Wow it came together so well, I'm blown away; how did they manage that ".

It may not be refined, but for what it is and what it offers.. (Beautiful visuals, easy gameplay, a certain chill vibe, excellent plotting and structuring).. It's absolutely great. A laid back experience with a lot of depth, which misses a few beats and two.

I'm truly divided on how to rate this game.

While I admit to feeling not as hooked (at times even uninterested), and was only sorta hooked during the climax, the epilogue was beautiful and impactful. So an otherwise 6.5-7 experience, was rescued by the epilogue.
Most characters were a mixed bag as well. While The Boss was easily my favorite.
The Lore and the Universe (or rather the backstory is laid out really well)
It is also clear that MGS 3 is the more "raw" game in the series. Running more on the feels, than the "idea" template kojima presents. Its not overly indulgent Kojima, but it's not fully crazy either till the end. Its a mix of the best gaming moments and absolutely mediocre campaign game ones. An involving narrative which doesn't necessarily keep u hooked and vice versa. An Intelligent and thought provoking story told in an at times dull/camp-driven way. Awesome moments wrapped around with mediocre ones. This game is a must play, but I think its slightly overrated (which made me too hyped and dropped the score down). Like all the other MGS games.