This shit went hard in 2010

Really underrated movement-based fps game with bite sized levels. Makes me live out my dream of being a redneck going through hell.

Uninstalled this game the moment I realized there wasn’t an item box.

This is one of the most important games ever made what else can I possibly say.

This was a right-time-right-place kind of game for me. Played this when I was 16 over the summer and every time I hear the soundtrack I get transported back to that time. Amazing JRPG.

Do not get the PS4 version of this game

ok hear me out this game is actually really good tho

I'm a zoomer who had never played the series and I now understand why everyone loves these games.

This would be one of the undisputed best games of all time if Nintendo wasn't still so arcane with the way they make games. As it stands it's still amazing.

Cool game but unfortunately loses points due to having one of the most disgusting scenes ever put in any video game that borders on torture fetish porn.

Introduced me to a new form of existential dread that still haunts me to this day and made me rethink what video games could do with narrative. Also has some nice asses which is cool.

This mf eats a sandwich and it heals all of his bullet wounds this game is crazy

Fun puzzle game but it’s hard to get invested in a story when you hate the main character with every fiber of your being. How this mf figures out which shoe goes on which foot every morning is a miracle. There was never any point I wanted him to succeed in anything he wanted to do. Also this game has major transphobia which is gross.