this game is a beautiful art museum that also happens to be a pretty great jrpg

This game has Reyn in it so it’s automatically one of the best games ever made

I can now officially bully persona fans

This is everything I want from a Resident Evil game. It knew when to be a survival horror game with a legitimately tense atmosphere and when to go completely apeshit and turn into a goofy shooting gallery. Probably in my top 3 REs.

This was the first full game I played in VR and boy was it a good introduction. The gameplay of superhot translates perfectly to VR.

cool proof of concept on what can come later but I don’t really understand the huge fandom that is somehow SEPARATE from the undertale fandom that sprouted from this

this is the 100 gecs of video games (this is not an insult)

Got gifted this on steam and started to play it as a joke only to find that it’s actually a pretty decent metriodvania. This made it even more jarring when porn suddenly appeared on the screen.

probably my favorite fighting game

Quite possibly the most hyped I was for a game’s release. I blew through this game in like two weeks and loved it at the time. Looking back, while it’s far from perfect, this game radiates such a style and energy that I can’t get enough of. So much so that I ended getting the platinum. There is like zero reason to play this version of the game anymore lmao.

I had this instead of newgrounds

This is the best game I will never complete

Like the first game but with a worse story and more booba

This game literally made me cry. I never thought a yakuza game would top 0 for me but this may edge it out slightly. Ichiban is like a top 5 game protagonist for me now. It doesn’t have the most in depth turn based combat in the world but it’s fun for what it is. If I had any real complaint I wish the female characters had gotten better treatment.