If tomorrow I was put under a curse where this was the only game I could play for the rest of my life I would be fine with that

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I fucking hate this rabbit

This is what all video games were leading up to

This game would’ve made me cum my shorts if I had played it right when it came out. As it stands it’s a fun but pretty poorly aged FPS.

Actually really good game but ima be honest I platinumed it for the meme.

Sperm 1: I hope it’s a girl!
Sperm 2: Bro we’re in akechi bussy

Local uwu kawaii pink-haired girl singlehandedly splits entire infantry’s heads open with a single axe.

I played this for like 3 months straight and then never touched it again.

This game had a really cool world which helped me see it through to the end. Gameplay could get frustrating at times.

This game has a lot of anime bullshit but the story more than makes up for it.

Have not played this game in like 15 years but I remember it being good as a kid.

Imagine training your entire life to be a knight in the infantry only to get your fucking skin melted off by a yandere in full body tight’s fire magic.

This was a very pleasant surprise for me. The combat is kinda bad but this game gives off such a unique vibe I couldn’t help but love it. Gameplay loop was really good too.