This came out 7 years ago and I still think about it and keep discovering things somehow.

Imagine that the first game you ever make is one of the best games of all time.

Did all the C-Sides and gave up at Farewell. I wish the story was more interesting, but for what it is, it uses the interactivity of games to tell its story, which 99.9% of games don't do.

Shit game, incredible community.

It's unbelievable to me how this 15-year-old game somehow still has some of the best gameplay of all time. The whole castle section is still some of the most fun I've had with a game.

I love this game in a lot of ways but had to stop at the dream bosses. Way too hard. But my time with it was amazing, my favorite aspect of it was the exploration, which it excels at.

I love this game. I think I would have loved it even more if I played it when I was 15 or so, it feels like an important game to play at that age.

Its biggest flaw is how broken the pacing is. It goes from the 10 most fun hours of your life to a sudden one hour of cutscenes and dialogue, and that kind of change drains your energy to finish it. It's also way too long. It took me 200 hours to finish, and the last 50 hours were unbearable, not because they were bad, I was just tired of the game.

Its biggest accomplishment is how many systems it has and well integrated and connected they are. It puts you in an addictive, insanely fun gameplay loop, and that's great.