Easily one of the best CRPGs ever made.
Cool murder mystery with many ways to solve. Huge freedom on how to develop your character, I have yet to see another game give you this many choices. Really nice artwork that fits the theme very well. Interesting world that begs for more games.
This is up top alongside Planescape Torment in terms of amazing writing, it's incredible the amount of superb dialog and dry humour this game has, the inner monologues are just complete brilliance.

I love this game.

What the hell were they thinking.
How do you make a boring Aliens shooter?

Horrible story, terrible AI (both allies and enemies), boring gunplay. It's a slog to get through the human enemies sections, which are way too many and easily make the xenomorphs side characters in their own game.

But hey, the very short Hadley's Hope section looked kinda nice.

I mean, it's still a great 2D Mario game, but it's also another retread from the original Super Mario Bros, it's essentially the same game again. Lazy.

Superb atmosphere and music (oh, the music is wonderful). Great artwork, nice -simple- story, fluid animations and character movement, fluid.
However, the combat is so unsatisfying it honestly eliminates my will to continue playing this game, I got 10 hours and I was so bored by the end of them that I decided to shelve it. Maybe it's sequel is better, hopefully, such artwork deserves better gameplay.

My favorite metroidvania to date.
Excellent tight combat. Responsive movement. Great animations. Really interesting and mysterious setting that begs for exploration.

The plot is really good and is not in your face, it's there only if you're interested in it, otherwise you can play like any other platformer unhindered by it, no cutscenes or anything.

Loved every minute of it.