11 reviews liked by sounwavestan

I hope this game combusts and its servers explode into pieces, incapable of being saved.

I played this with my sibling. Overall, it's a great game for an entire family to play. It's a seemingly harmless platformer with vibrant colors and immersive world-building. If you're a completionist, you'd really like this game because there are a ton of different artifacts, puzzle pieces, and achievements to collect. I was amused by the little easter eggs to popular PS games like FF and DMC. Overall, it's pretty darn cool this is free.

vergil cummed on dante's pizza

Imagine creating the best game in the series because you don't want to be remember as the director of the worst game in the same series

It is a nice cozy little game. The characters are awesome and everything about this game just feels relaxing. Don't go into it expecting something super complex though, but I would say that the simplicity of this game adds to the charm of it.



All of the characters are hot. The gameplay loop feels great. The story is great. The way that combat flows with almost all weapons feels great. What's not to love about a masterpiece like this?

There is only like 3 hot characters (it is not any of the students). Also having played through all of the base game routes in the game, the game simply exists. Combat is fun, but the worldbuilding is just alright.

one of the devs is in the same 3d animation course as me. im probably never gonna play this game since i dont like mmo's, but the dude seems pretty cool. we talked about thief for a couple of minutes

Fun platformer for the Nintendo DS, I honestly had a lot of fun with this, I wish that the series wasn't completely dead by this point so we would've had a sequel or a remaster.