This game is MID its MID its MID its MID its MID

for the love of god remaster this game it looks so bad it hurts mi ojos

this game rocks dont let anyone convince you otherwise

Ask someone how they feel about this game before interacting with them itll tell you a lot.

satisfying gameplay, gut wrenching story, not the goat, bite me

I know the layout of hokkaido better than I know most of my extended family

I bullied my friend for liking this game but it turns out hes just ass at explaining it this game rules

people didn't give this a fair chance its such a good sequel

greatest shooter of all time holy

Imagine if this game didn't look like baby vomit and was less buggy it would literally be the peak of human creation

I love this game. I love what they're doing with it. BUT. If you don't have people to play it with the loop will become stale.

ehhhhhhhhhhhhhhh its fine maybe a little worse than fine