Great concept that makes for some really creative puzzles. I just wish there was more to the main game - the first few test chambers are super simple, which means there's even less content in a game that only lasts 2-3 hours on your first play. The advanced and challenge stages are a nice addition, but I was hoping for more original content.

Great humor and great puzzles makes for a great game though! Eventually I'll come back and try to finish all the challenges.

I wanted to and really tried to enjoy this game but I couldn't. The combat system was okay but not interesting or quick enough to make battles feel fun. I really hated the amount of enemies and how they respawn the second you move the camera - I never knew how strong I should be for the next boss since there's no way to know how many enemies to kill. Eventually, I realized that it's not even worth fighting regular enemies since they give practically zero EXP compared to metal slimes, which I feel wastes a lot of the otherwise great enemy designs.

Unfortunately, I didn't find the story or characters interesting enough to keep me motivated throughout the game (except Yangus, he's great). There are certainly some cool and exciting moments during the story, but overall it still felt pretty generic. I know that Dragon Quest isn't trying to break new barriers with JRPGs, but I was still hoping for something that could keep me interested.

The skill point system was actually really nice and would definitely make the game more interesting to replay, but I don't see myself coming back anytime soon. I didn't complete any of the postgame content, so maybe I'll do that someday? I'm pretty sure there was plenty of content I missed during the main game too, since I got fed up with exploring pretty early on after finding mostly nothing but open fields.

I'm sure this game is fine if you like the combat system and don't mind a generic and grindy JRPG. It just wasn't for me.

I loved the characters in this game! The social links, story events, and even the battles do a great job at establishing and strengthening the team's friendship. The story also held my interest throughout the entire game; moving closer to the truth was always met with more mysteries to solve. Inaba is also a really cozy town when you look past the evil that occurs there, and that made me feel more invested in solving the case.

Combat is really satisfying thanks to knocking enemies down and going for all-out attacks, and the boss fights were also pretty fun and challenging enough to make the bosses feel threatening. My only real complaint is that I would've liked to see more unique dungeon design - the only real difference between each dungeon is a new skin and soundtrack.

The music is great, the characters are amazing, the gameplay is fun, and the story is interesting. I loved it!

I never thought I would fall in love with a game for its art style alone, but Persona 5 absolutely blew my mind. And the soundtrack? Wow. I probably have listened to Take Over a billion times by now and I'm still not even close to tired of it. Not to mention the other fantastic songs you'll hear throughout the game.

This was my first Persona game so I didn't know what to expect from the combat, but I was honestly super impressed with its depth. Baton passing, All Out Attacks, Showtimes, and of course the killer battle themes made combat super fun every time.

I also really fell in love with some of the characters here. Yeah, some of them can be annoying at times, but many of them learn and grow throughout the story which was super fulfilling to experience. I'll also just add on that I absolutely loved the concept behind the third semester.

My main complaint is that Mementos is kind of annoying at the start of the game due to its repetitive music and different feel compared to exploring palaces, but I found myself enjoying it by the end. I absolutely loved this game and I can't wait to play other games in the series!

Chrono Trigger is a masterpiece.

Everything you do in this game has so much weight - your actions in the past affect how characters act and events unfold in the future, which is incredibly satisfying for the player. The double and triple techs stood out to me as a showcase of how the party's friendship and teamwork grow stronger with their skills - plus they look ridiculously cool.

In general, the combat, story, characters, soundtrack, and art style are all some of my best I have ever experienced. I would recommend this game to anyone - you'll love it!

Honestly, I found this game fairly frustrating at times due to the inconvenient inventory system and insane amounts of enemies that you can't really avoid or run away from. I think I would've had less of a problem with fighting this many enemies, but I didn't find the combat too enjoyable either. I enjoyed the psychedelic backgrounds, goofy enemy designs, and scrolling HP bar, but beyond that, the combat is fairly basic. My game also slowed down a bunch when there were many enemies on the screen at once, but I'm not sure if that's a known thing or if that was just on my end.

I actually still enjoyed Earthbound overall. The game gets carried by its humor, setting, and some incredibly touching moments throughout its story. While the combat may not be super unique (except for the parts I listed above), these other aspects certainly are and I believe they are strong enough to make this game worth playing.

it has a baseball minigame so it's a 5/5 from me

Seriously though, this game is loaded with creative puzzles and is crazy fun to explore. Merging into walls is a genius mechanic and I loved how it was used. Some of the bosses are a bit underwhelming and it's a pretty easy game, but that didn't really take much away from my enjoyment.

I loved exploring both parallel worlds and solving some cool puzzles. I'm sure I still missed a bunch of stuff, so eventually I'd like to come back and explore some more. The other aspects of the game were solid, but didn't blow me away.