doesnt hit like the first one for some reason, maybe will finish one day

dont like as much as the first but honestly think im over open worlds atp, but still good story plus robo dinosaurs, slaps

i love this game, came out the other side and now i feel nothing looking at 'scary' ocean pictures, thallassophobia cure?


so so cringe but so good i love this game and noone can ever make me feel otherwise. plus gay people

cuntiest villian to date, must finish

honestly most fun ive had in farcry, immersive setting and i get a pet sabertooth? sick

ubisoft we may need a new formula for farcry. we just might bae. villains carry as per

gameplay was very eh, aesthetics and villains hard carried

can sit and play for 24 hours straight when im in the mood to

funny to watch everyone slowly switch up on this games story like no its always been good

came and stayed for the lore, outsold