amazing wonderful video game i'll forever hold near and dear to my heart. easily the best of all three games.

played this during the first big lockdown of the pandemic and had a lovely time cleaning someone elses house while i put off cleaning my own.

one of the best games on the DS and an incredible sequel to the original game that honestly surpasses it in a lot of ways.

really glad i got to finally play this! i'm familiar with a lot of these micro-games thanks to gold, but getting to see the whole package in it's GBA glory was a real treat... if gold didn't exist, this would be my favorite one.

I forgot this came out!! Glad I eventually found my way to it, such a comfortable little slice of Kiryu-flavoured pie that doesn't outstay its welcome and serves as a great reminder as to why I love these games so much after not having touched them in a little bit.

Curse these games and their ability to make me cry during the ending cutscenes.

Phenomenal game, and such a step up from Y7 in a lot of ways. I have some gripes with the storytelling, I feel like it sort of loses focus at a point... but still, everything comes together nicely by the end so it's hard to be too upset about it. Other than that, this is probably the best title in the series to date.

Now, can we please let this studio make a fully fledged tycoon / management game? Dondoko was far more fun than it had any right to be!!

you are all little haters this game is FINE!!! like yes, it is very clearly imperfect and a bit of a rush job... but also it is very nice kind of mindless fun and i get to play dress up with lucy :)

i can make leon kennedy sing various nine inch nails songs, and that's pretty cool. bonus points for letting me just whip out these songs in the battle royale mode too.

Crash 4 is a game I've been really trying to like since it first came out, and I think my most recent attempt at a playthrough has made me appreciate it a lot more than before.

That being said, I still haven't brought myself to finish it. I think theirs a point where the game takes a bit of a turn and becomes too hard for it's own good... Combine that with the insane box placements that are often going to require guides to discover and you just end up totally losing me.

Still, I think it's an objectively good game and worthy of at least taking a look at. Determined to finish it some day, but for now it'll remain one of the few Crash games I haven't gotten 100% in.

sincerely one of my favorite games from 2021

love a lot of this game and it's bullshit, but i'm also very glad to be done with it lol. can't see myself coming back for a NG+ run any time soon.

i love looking at this game. very pretty :0)

One of the most wonderful experiences I've had with a game. Need to go back and play it on a higher difficulty so I can more thoroughly enjoy the survival horror aspect of the whole thing, but as is this is far and away the most exciting thing I've played all year and a fantastic reminder of just how incredible video games can be.

this game is FINE

one of those games where i really fell in love with it at first, but trying to revisit it has led to disappointment. a lot of the joy comes from exploring the worlds for the first time, when you realize how similar a lot of the little challenges to get the moons are across the entire game the magic kind of fades away.

sadly don't think this is one i'll revisit as often as i do with 64 and Sunshine... still, not a bad game though.