Good Party Game, not a fan favorite and definitely not one people specifically ask to play but good chaotic fun

It was alright
Luigi's controls were really hard to deal with during his unlock stage, but besides that it was great
Still trying to get that last 150th star

The story of this game is BEAUTIFUL
I mean the amount of twists and everything that happens in this game is unlike any other game I've ever played
Excpet maybe Omori

Great Pikmin Game, The final boss could've gone without the corridor section but I guess it would've been too easy without that
Good Game, interesting food mechanics instead of the oxygen in Pikmin 1 or the...lack of a day limit in 2

Great Pikmin Game, but it got way harder than it had to
Got tired of it after Day 9 tbh

Good party game but who's gonna want to play this over like Mario Party or Disney Guilty Party

Amazing Sonic Game, The remake itself barely added anything but it didn't need to
Just would've appreciated the ability to change the music back to the Wii version

Sure is Splatoon
Story mode kinda sucks without the Octo Expansion

3 Amazing Mario Games in a Collection
Why was it a limited edition, why? Just why?

It's street fighter 2 but HD and complete

Best Mario Party that's come out in a while, it doesn't have a lot of unique stuff to it, but it doesn't have to
Great Mario Party, even better with the level mechanics

Even better than Drum n' Fun, Amazing Taiko Game, Party Modes are great (And being updated), a whole story mode, which while very...ages 4+, it's inclusion wasn't necessary at all so it being here is nice
Same with the shop and character customization
My only complaint is the regular taiko mode doesn't have a lot of songs because it has a paid subscription
But the songs that are free are still good so still reccomend

Amazing Taiko game, and obviously I love taiko
It doesn't have to be anything more and it isn't
I mean there is a "party mode" but it's pretty lackluster

They put the best mariokart game by far, and duplicated it! Pure perfection!