By it's own, a completely great Mario Kart game, not a lot of unique tracks but still amazing

Amazing Mariokart game but it did come out almost 10 years ago without a new entry

Best Mariokart game at the time but they all were the best when they were released

Pretty much a sequel to Super Mario World, it's the one I can compare it the best to
Amazing art style, level design, powerups, etc.
Even the difficulty actually scaled perfectly

Great 3D Platformer, Very fun, not groundbreaking but it's a Wii U game what do you expect?


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An amazing wii u game, mixed with a short fantastic side mode, just wish Bowser's Fury had a better multiplayer but I guess that's not it's main focus

Great Warioware game, the whole character gimmick makes it not very replayable but still good

Cooking Mama, I mean it was unifinished makes sense

Great story mode and multiplayer mode, kinda lost interest in the story mode after a while but that's not the main focus of the game

Solid Game, Very few complaints, it's not perfect the controls can be clunky at times, and the Pikmin AI is garbage, but it's still great, highly recommend


One of the greatest introductions to rhythm games out there, the start of a fantastic series, and just an overall great game
My only complaint is The Dazzles 2, it's the same exact gameplay as the first one, even down to the timing being identical, when you easily could've given a sequel to a stage that didn't get one like Love Lab or Dog Ninja